Free Essay Example. Regulations Report

Published: 2023-07-14
Free Essay Example. Regulations Report
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Organizational behavior Business law Customer service
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 1987 words
17 min read

Customer service of every company is controlled by the following regulatory and legislative requirements. The regulations and legislation provide customer service standard that the firm has to abide by in delivering satisfactory customer services. For example, Oz house clean company will be expected to ensure customer information is kept safe. They will have to provide a customer management system that is encrypted to provide customer privacy as per the customer privacy Act.

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The bill or rights also provides the measures that a firm has to accomplish to ensure that the customer is satisfied. For example, Oz house customers have the right to ask question-related to the cleaning services. The customers have the right to be redressed in a positive tone by Oz house staff. The customers have the right to reclaim money where the services are below value or the required standard. Customers have the right to safety and to be heard by Oz house staff.

Additionally, customer service regulation will involve the firm's certification requirements for business performance. Transparency in the firm's services should be upheld, and customers right to education and information should be maximized to reduce customer complaints.

Customer needs

Oz house customers expect the following needs to be upheld. Customers expect the cleaned places and items to be spotless, and there should be no case of theft more so for commercial setups. Consultancy services should be provided at all times so that customers can air out their grievances (Andersson & Mossberg, 2004). Customers also require Oz house cleaning services to be reliable and trustworthy. Customers will expect that if they forgot any item, then they should be returned to the customer or kept until while contacting the customer. Customers expect that there will be no defaults during cleaning. For example, in residential places, the cleaners should monitor and ensure that they don't break any fragile property.

Customers expect the firm to engage in peaceful, constructive and productive communication through different mediums. The mediums can include and not limited to emails, calls, messages and other forms including face to face talks. The pricing strategies of the firm should be fair enough, not surpassing the average market prices for super performing firms.

Customers also expect proper time management during cleaning services. For example, a customer can request for the time frame to clean a carpet as per the firm and therefore, within the stated time, the rug should be spotlessly clean without any extension. Some customers also expect after-sale services form the firm; for example, for dense mats, the firm can provide a pickup to ferry the items to the customer's premise.

The customers expect to have a proper response to customer care, which comes from the Oz house administration. All the complaints and feedbacks raised by the customers are placed into action by excellent customer care. The concerns can come from people expecting specific steps to be taken against certain occurrences at the workplace. The customers expect that the people dealing with the customer complaints have to be competent enough to ensure that the responses that they give are intelligent and provide the fulfilment of the customer needs at all times.

Besides having a calling line where the customers can address their concerns, there should be a complaint box that will allow the customers to drop complaints in the form of leaflets. The people who will provide the brochures do not have to write their names on the papers, but they can just give the details of what they want to be carried out in the first place by the administration of the warehouse. All the concerns should then be brought to the human resource manager, and then they will be addressed for the customers to see the outcome in terms of the improvement in the service at Oz house. The staff that will be on the calling line to receive the complaints always have the behaviour of being polite which is displaying the good manners during any type of phone call presented to them

Staff Training

The Oz house expects that their employees that are hired should be well competent enough to ensure that they deliver. To ensure that this happens, the Oz house trains the staff to equip them with proper working skills and ensure that the work objectives are met at quite an adequate margin. On ensuring that the customer needs are well achieved, the staff are given appropriate skills by the human resource to ensure that they handle their customers quite well.

The staff are given training skills on how they can handle the different attitudes of various customers at the workplace. The customers can have different moods when coming in to be served at the Oz house, and they should be handled with proper care. All the customers are expected to be given the attention that they require at the workplace. The employees are given the training skills to know that they should learn the needs of every customer when they come to the Oz house to be served.

The staff at the Oz house should know how the customer needs to be treated to give proper outcome to the customer and thus serve them well. Looking at most observations of the customers, most of the customers want to be treated with some reasonable level of dignity at the Oz house. The other lot of customers would be expected to be given an assurance that their problems can be solved quickly and that they will not be repeated under the guidance of the staff. The customers have this kind of expectation, especially when they are wronged whether by accident or by any means. The staff are informed that customers, when hurt, always want apologies and an explanation as to why the offence was committed unto them.

The expected results that can come out of the staff training are that the customer service level will increase. The satisfactory level of the customers would be quite right in the first place because the needs of the customers would be well addressed. The other customers that their demands would not have been appropriately approached would now be well treated accordingly. It's from the response of the customers that the management will be able to gauge if the training of the staff has been competent. The answers given by the feedback from the customer service evaluation will tell if the training was quite practical.

The roles of every staff should, therefore, be well enlisted unto them to ensure that everyone is well aware of how to approach a customer. It will be relevant that staff training is done after working hours. With this time, the working schedule will not be affected. Apart from that, the practice can also be carried out on special days that are placed, which will not be disrupting the work timetable at Oz house.

The staff training should have objectives that are directed to ensure that there is an improvement in customer service. Preparation of the workers should include that they gain proper customer management skills which will enable the people to handle the customers at Oz house with some competency. The staff can also be trained on the purposes of proper service delivery upon the customers that they feel daily. The customer satisfaction will always be dependent on the kind of feedback that the customers give in the suggestion boxes that address the complaints. The staff at Oz house also expect to be trained about having proper relations with the customers. The staff are well advised on how to deal with various moods and feelings of the customers at the workplace. With the team having the proper skills on how to handle the needs of the customers, they shall be able to provide appropriate outcomes, and the objectives of Oz house shall be met. Without the staff being able to fulfil the needs of the customers, the goals cannot be met.

The additional recommendations that can be done upon the staff training include allowing the staff to picture and personalize the experience. While carrying out the whole staff training process, teams should be able to undergo experiences that the customers undergo so that they can also feel how the rest of the customers think. During the training, it can be done after explaining to the staff about what should correctly be carried out at the workplace. An example of these particular recommendations is by having a small role of the individuals and the team, where some people can play as the staff and others play in as the customers. Various causes can be displayed under the instruction of the trainers. After the training, the workers can be asked of what they gained from the interview besides what they were theoretically taught.

Stress Management

With this concept in the workplace, the staff should handle the stress that the customers have at the workplace. At the same time, the workers should be ready to serve the workplace without any kind of stress forms their homes or any other site out work (Brjann et al. 2011). When the workers can be able to handle various levels of the fear that they experience, it will not allow them to take part in any kind of hideous activities that could make them serve the customers in a wrong way.

Every customer service provider goes through a burn out from two sources which are the routine that keeps on repeating itself for quite some time and dealing with the frustrated customers. The combinations of the two elements lead to one having stress both at the workplace and even when they leave Oz house. Not unless the staff are advised and trained on how to manage the pressure quite well, it will affect their work rate and performance at Oz house. The team as times go by, and they will not be able to provide the customer services as it's required of them at Oz house.

To deal with the stress management problem, Oz house management has strategies that can be used to ensure that there is good service providence to their customers. The customers are first advised to deep their frustrations upon the customers. The staff or the care providers at Oz house are encouraged never to allow the customers to know of the stresses that they undergo in their daily lives. The frustrations and fear of the customer should also not affect the staff's ability to give quality work at Oz house. When the customer is quite upset, the only thing that they only have in mind is to become quite emotional. The staff should overlook any kind of stress that is rendered unto them by the customers at the workplace.

For the staff at Oz house, they are advised to manage their stresses through the learning of temporary behaviour of the customers. Some of the customers are sometimes having emotional times and anger, but their character is one which is very much welcoming. The staff at Oz house are advised to keep calm and be patient with the workers at the workplace. Most of them can call at the customer care or desk for a second or more time with a question that they had already been asked about previously. When handling such people, the staff are advised to handle them while remembering that from the anger brought by the customer, there is still some good character of the person. For any worker who remains calm and composed when handling such people, one should know that there is somebody with a good heart in the customer's behaviours.

Typically, for the Oz restaurant to ensure that the staff are not drowned into the customer's stress and thoughts, they advised that staff should learn to be short-tempered when handling the customers. The staff should always treat the customers like young children and make sure that they maintain their neat upon them at all times.

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