Role and Re-Modeling Nursing Theory - Essay Example

Published: 2023-12-18
Role and Re-Modeling Nursing Theory - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Nursing
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 928 words
8 min read

Role and Role-Modeling theory is a nursing theory created by Erickson, Swain, and Tomlin in 1983. The theory enables nurses to treat and care for each patient with awareness and respect for their uniqueness (Erickson et al., 2016). The theory is patient-centered, and there is recognition of patients' knowledge regarding what has caused the disease and the treatment options. Every person has a desire to live a healthy life and a happy life. Empirical research has shown that Role and Role-Modeling theory enables patients to develop their strengths and motivates them to begin the process of healing. Application of Role and Role-Modeling theory enabled diabetes mellitus patients to develop strengths and start the healing process.

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In research, generalizability refers to a level to which a study's findings are applicable to broader settings. Broader generalizability means that the results can be applied to a wider population and different situations. Role and Role-Modeling theory is a generalized theory, which means that it is applicable to areas of the nursing practice (Erickson et al., 2016). It is not only applied in inpatient care but also in other areas such as geriatric care, orthopedic nursing, mental health, and midwifery. Researchers have applied the theory with different populations and different settings such as education that are not related to nursing or healthcare.

The strengths of the Role and Re-modeling nursing theory include creating awareness among nurses and other health professionals on what the patients go through, which is key in influencing how they take care of the patients (Kelley, 2020). Understanding the perspective of the patients creates respect between patients and nurses, and the nurses know how to solve patient challenges. The strength helps patients to seek assistance and clarification when they are in need.

The second strength of the role and re-modeling nursing theory is that the theory addresses factors that affect how health professionals perform their tasks and deal with their challenges. The strength makes the health professionals understand what the patients expect of them and what it takes for the patients to be satisfied with the medical services offered (Kelley, 2020). When patient needs are met, the patients recover faster because they have peace of mind. The theory focuses on how patients and medical professionals work as one team in dealing with the illness.

The weaknesses of role modeling theory include failure to address challenges faced by nurses and other medical professionals while treating patients. Nurses face challenges that make interactions with patients difficult (Kelley, 2020). The challenge nurses have to treat too many patients and they are unable to have personal relationships with all the patients. The patient-nurse ratio is high, and hence the nurses are unable to treat all the patients effectively. The nurses end up providing medical services only.

The second weakness is that the theory does not address the conflicts that come up when patients become hostile for different reasons. Patients have different personalities, and hence the relationship between the patients and the nurses might be challenging (Kelley, 2020). The challenges that nurses face demotivate the nurses; hence the theory should have addressed the challenges faced by nurses and how they should deal with the challenges.

The theory is congruent with contemporary nursing standards and nursing interventions. The current standards of nursing include collaboration, quality care, education, ethics, and performance appraisal (Halcomb et al., 2016). The theory is, for example, congruent to the standard of collaboration. The patients are actively involved in the healing process. It also coincides with the quality of care as the nurse first understands the patient’s world. The care that is given to the patient depends on the perception of their perception. It is also congruent with the principle of autonomy. The clients make health decisions without the intervention or influence of the health care practitioner.

Role and Re-Modeling Nursing Theory is relevant socially as the needs of the society members are not generalized but are specific to each client, and the nurse considers the uniqueness when attending to the needs of each client (Erickson et al., 2012). The client, therefore, does not feel under pressure to adopt a certain approach. Still, they instead have the autonomy to make decisions regarding their health and the healing processes that they believe will improve their health and become the best they can be. The theory is also relevant cross-culturally as the client chooses an intervention that is congruent to the culture.

The theory contributes to the discipline of nursing by highlighting the issues that concern the patients and the best approaches that should be used to address the challenges. The theory exemplifies clinical practice by making the nurses focus on patient needs (Kelley, 2020). The nurses are able to respect the uniqueness of illness that affects the patient through personal interactions; hence it's easier to find the solution to the problems. The theory improves healthcare by providing guidelines for solving challenges that the patient faces while seeking treatment. The theory also recognizes that the understanding of the diseases is based on the relationship between the patient and the nurses.


Erickson, H. L., Tomlin, E. M., & Swain, M. A. P. (2016). Modeling and Role Modeling Theory. Retrieved from.

Erickson, H.L, Tomlin, E., & Swain, M. (2012). Modeling and Role Modeling Theory of Nursing. Retrieved 19 September 2020, from

Halcomb, E., Stephens, M., Bryce, J., Foley, E., & Ashley, C. (2016). Nursing competency standards in primary health care: an integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(9-10), 1193-1205.

Kelley, S. (2020). Modeling and Role-Modeling Theory in Nursing Practice. Nurse Key. Retrieved 19 September 2020, from

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