Business Law Questions - Free Essay Example

Published: 2022-04-14
Business Law Questions - Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business law
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1061 words
9 min read

Section 9 Litter and graffiti

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Littering is expressly prohibited and fined by city ordinance, including pedestrian trash as well as that thrown from motor vehicles.

Environmental conservation is Texas and most of the cities within the ultimate state goal. A measure to ensure their environmental goals are met. The above local ordinance is widely used. In the past, I have visited Texas regularly, and one of the greats offense is littering, the cities in Texas such as Sun City has bins all over to place beans and failure to observe the law one is at risk of having a fine imposed when caught. The law does apply to both pedestrians and those with and in vehicles.

Chapter 1

3. Bryant Gunderson is a sole proprietor with a successful bunger jumping business. He is considering incorporating his business. What levels and sources of law would affect and govern the process of incorporation.

Incorporation of property fall under the legislative law and state codes. The uniform law of UCC is commonly prevalent and adopted in governing state business and issues such as incorporation. Also the state administrative law play an integral part in the cases of business incorporation and therefore, Bryant Gunderson will have to seek help from these two offices mainly.

7: Discuss the role of the court in this case. What would the court look to in making its decision? What is the impact of the court's decision on the ability of the family to recover the injuries?

The court act as one of the legal grounds through which issues are and differences are settles by following the statutory law when making court decision. Court decision are arrived at after a thorough analysis of the statue intent and scope is carried. However, the statutes is unclear on certain issues and often create loopholes in the court decisions. In the case of Condon versus Schmucker the law lacks clarity when dealing with the case. Although schmucker was on the wrong and charges of failing to stop and use of alcohol were well stated and easy to apply, compensation for the damage done to Condon family and car was not achieved. This was due to lack of clarity in the statue. Schmucker was riding a horse and the statue only clarify on the incidences of vessels it was easy for schmucker to raise the issue in court that he was on a horse but not a vessel which is not stated in the law. However, although declares bankruptcy he does not get away since the crime was declared "willful and malicious by a vessel and thus under the bankruptcy code it was a non-dischargeable debt. The court therefore helped the family of Condon in paying for the damages they incurred medically and in vehicle repair.

Parable of the sadhu discussion question

Consider the closing questions Mr. McCoy possess. How do they apply to you personally and to business?

Mr McCoy and his colleagues are caught up in a dilemma on a trip in Nepal. As the climb the risky mountain before the snow melts they come a long a sadhu. Mr McCoy personal ethics places him in dilemma. He is unable to continue with the journey before the Sadhu problem was taken care off and this placed the whole group in jeopardy. As a group it was easy to help the sadhu but it seems the group was not prepared to respond to group ethical crisis. When the problem of sadhu is brought in a real business world similar ethics of an individual are tested and corporate culture. A business is expected to be prepared in all means to ultimately solve rising problems. A business should not only be concerned with self-gains but also should be interested in meeting cultural goals of all its stakeholder. Corporate values ensure individual needs are addressed and overly the value of the group is upheld and corporate culture was lacking in this case.

Chapter 2

1. E&J. Gallo, the world largest winery, announced that it would stop selling its Thunderbird and Night Train Express Wines in the Tenderloin, The Skid Row of San Francisco for six months. Gallo took action after meeting with an activist group called safe and sober streets, which has asked grocers to remove the high-alcohol wine from the district, where citizens say drunks create a menace. One retailer in the district said "if I don't sell this, I will have to close my doors and go home" discuss the actions of E&J Gallo and the dilemma of the retailer in the district. Be sure to discuss the type of philosophy each of them holds concerning social responsibility and ethical dilemmas

The E&J. Gallo company action is based on the company recognition of its failed social responsibility. Any business is built to serve the interest of the society and when the negative impact is realized possibilities are the business is likely to be terminated or reviewed for improvement to solve the projecting issues. The fact that the winery realized that its alcoholic wines were causing menace the business ethics were not met and therefore, the company had to call for any sale of alcoholic wines

For the retailer, the retailer is more interested in making profits than observing the business social responsibility. The retailer sees losses the business is about to make and therefore he or she is no ready to go home without clearing the sales despite the drunks menace report. Business ethics, as a result, are designed to keep the company and business dealers learning for long-term without caring much about the profits but the stakeholders and society in general.

9. Heinz ketchup holds 54% of the US ketchup market, and 9 of 10 restaurants feature Heinz ketchup. However, Heinz has learned that many restaurants owners simply fill Heinz bottles with cheaper ketchup, thereby capitalizing on the Heinz name without cost. One restaurant owner explains "it's just ketchup. The customers don't notice" there are no specific health regulations that apply and owners are not breaking the law by filing the bottles. Do you think this practice is ethical?

The practice, in this case, is unethical. The restaurant owner has his self-interest of making a profit at the expense of other companies. The client goes ahead to justify his action by saying "it's just ketchup" in reality the restraint owner personal ethics and morality is in question.

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