Social Justice Cause - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-10-29
Social Justice Cause - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing HIV Public health Social justice Human rights
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 468 words
4 min read


Social justice refers to the view that every individual deserves equal opportunities and rights; this comprises the right to good healthcare for everyone. Gostin and Powers (2006) argued that there exist various aspects of inequalities in health care that are unjust, avoidable, and unnecessary. The main focus of this paper is to discuss social justice causes as well as the role that I would take in participating in the cause.

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Healthcare Settings

There are various aspects of social justice in healthcare settings, especially when it comes to access to quality health. It is worth noting that access to quality health care should not depend on where you live, how much money you have, or your race, gender, or age (Pande et al., 2017). The challenges faced by minority groups concerning the acquisition of proper healthcare is what has prompted my cause of choice for social justice in healthcare. Vulnerable and marginalized groups often face significant obstacles in their fight for quality and affordable health care. The world's deadliest ailments are malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV / AIDS, which affect the world's poorest population, killing thousands every year.

Pande et al. (2017) argued that age, race, gender, and financial capabilities are the main causes of social injustices. However, nurses have offered noble services over the years to ensure that everybody gets the needed care regardless of their age, race, gender, and financial capabilities. The main goal for nurses is the provision of quality care for everyone hence ensuring social justice for everyone (Gostin & Powers, 2006).

Nursing Role

As a way of participating in the cause of social justice, I would take the role of ensuring that nurses work through training, allocation, and community discussions to see that no one is left behind (Gostin & Powers, 2006). I would strive to ensure sustainable healthy futures and necessary access to essential health care. I would advocate for health equality, demand for medical development on the basis of need but not profit. By so doing, I will have promoted social justice by ensuring that health is a right but not a privilege.


Conclusively, social justice in the healthcare landscape has become a matter of concern to many people. It has become challenging to substantiate whether healthcare is a right or a privilege. However, the practice of social justice by nurses has ensured that everybody gets an equal right to care hence making health care to be deemed as a right rather than a privilege.


Gostin, L., & Powers, M. (2006). What does social justice require the public's health? Public health ethics and policy imperatives. Health Affairs, 25(4), 1053-1060.

Pande, A., El Shalakani, A., & Hamed, A. (2017). How can we measure progress on social justice in health care? The case of Egypt. Health Systems & Reform, 3(1), 14-25.

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