Free Essay: Statistical Analysis on Meteorological Dataset

Published: 2022-04-27
Free Essay: Statistical Analysis on Meteorological Dataset
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Statistics
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 477 words
4 min read

The data was accrued from an online database on weather and other corresponding meteorological data and the website was following is the table indicating the variables considered for the analysis;

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GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -178 -311

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -244 -322

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -194 -289

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -167 -200

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -133 -167

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -133 -172

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -150 -278

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -233 -328

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -233 -322

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -117 -244

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -67 -128

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -78 -122

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -17 -89

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 39 -72

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -67 -72

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 22 -50

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 33 -44

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 6 -172

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -56 -183

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -67 -139

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -67 -94

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -44 -67

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -6 -44

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 0 -11

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -11 -161

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -161 -233

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -167 -222

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -167 -283

GHCND:USC00327027 PETERSBURG 2 N ND US 466.3 48.0355 -98.01 -189 -283

The following is the frequency distribution table;

Weights of the maximum temperature frequency

0-50 6

(0-50) 5

(51-100) 5

(101-150) 4

(151-200) 7

(200-250) 3

The brackets represent the fact that the variables corresponding to the maximum temperature (TMAX) are negative values.

The Figure1 on the next page is the corresponding frequency distribution chart;

The excel is used to calculate the mean, median, mode and mid-range of the variables indicated on the table below;

Elevation Latitude longitude TmaxTminMean 466.3 48.03 -98.01 -98.13793103 -175.9310345

median 466.3 48.03 -98.01 -78 -172

mode 466.3 48.03 -98.01 -67 -322

range 0 0 0 -21 -329

The following table indicates the variance, standard deviation and the range of the variables;

Elevation Latitude longitude TmaxTminVariance 5.1699E-26 4.54384E-28 3.23117E-27 7161.981 9425.099

standard deviation 2.2737E-13 2.13163E-14 5.68434E-14 84.62849 97.08295

range 0 0 0 -21 -329

The five number summary include the minimum values, maximum values, the first, second and third quartiles. The following is the five number summary of the Maximum temperature;

Minimum -244

Q1(1st Quartile) -167

Q2 (2nd Quartile) -78

Q3(3rd Quartile) -17

Maximum 39

There are no possible outliers on the dataset.

The value from your data that represents the top 20% is approximately -19.62.

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