Essay Example. Strategic Corporate Communication - Healthcare

Published: 2023-01-19
Essay Example. Strategic Corporate Communication - Healthcare
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Healthcare Human behavior Interpersonal communication
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 687 words
6 min read

Question 1

My experience as a recipient of healthcare started well. The paramedics were sensitive and responsive plus the emergency room personnel were also fantastic. Up to this point, I felt safe and unafraid. However, this changed when I was moved to the treatment section. The doctor in charge tormented me with how he rushed through procedures that I felt were needless. When I questioned him, he tried to guilt me into submission and treated me rudely. Also, when I suggested seeing my doctor from another hospital, he responded that I was becoming shortsighted and the services are similar. They also attended to me without ever looking into my eyes or asking how I feel.

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I evaluate this experience as a negative one since it shows how horrible patients are handled by the healthcare system. Every so often, the patient is never thought of despite the inability of the treatment situation occurring without their presence. While I never realized proper communication during my involvement, its importance was ostensible. As emphasized by Blouin (2011), excellent communication between medics and their patients leads to a more satisfactory healthcare experience. A patient will feel that they are provided with undivided attention when engaged during treatment procedures.

Question 2

An example of a health-related public service announcement is the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). Each year on May 31st, global partners in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates WNTD. On that day, the organization runs various campaign s that raise awareness on the harmful and deadly effects of using tobacco and second-hand smoke exposure with the intent of discouraging its use. This year, the focus was on the effects of tobacco on lungs health from respiratory complications and cancer.

Health-related campaigns are effective in promoting a change of behavior from what is considered risky. Terry-McElrath et al. (2013), while citing a 2012 outcome measuring the impacts of WHO anti-tobacco campaign in the United States, discovered that more than 1.8 million smokers tried to quit after the education. It is estimated that about 104 000 smokers quitted for good after the previous campaigns. Similar results related to anti-smoking campaigns have been seen in Asia. Lee and Park (2012) discovered that positive anti-tobacco announcements were practical among Korean students on change of attitude and more effective among current and previous smokers. This proves that health-related campaigns can be useful tools for positive behavioral change.

Question 3

Healthcare is a broad topic that presents significant challenges to its managers. For the sustainment of the future organization of healthcare, skilled leaders are required to deal with potential issues. In the course of the next five to ten years, healthcare managers should expect challenges such as technological and medicinal advancements; policy and regulatory changes; ethical issues; funding; and education. Future leaders must realize that these challenges can collectively lead to a waste of time and money, that could be channeled toward more essential aspects of healthcare such as operational training, medical research, or facility upkeep. While effective communication could solve many of these problems, it is itself a challenge for future managers. Flicek (2012) states that inefficient communication practices in healthcare stem from issues such as aging technology, or particular protocols employed between departments. He further asserts that resolutions to unproductive communication in healthcare is an amalgamated technology that relays real-time information across all entities. This solution can be installed to teams across the entire health system. Also, from personal observation, soft skills in regard to communication are applicable in a management role within the healthcare industry. They include collaboration, interpersonal communication, negotiation, active listening, verbal or written communication, and relationship building.


Blouin, A. S. (2011). Improving hand-off communications: new solutions for nurses. Journal of nursing care quality, 26(2), 97-100.

Flicek, C. L. (2012). Communication: A dynamic between nurses and physicians. Medsurg Nursing, 21(6), 385.

Lee, H. S., & Park, J. S. (2012). Cultural orientation and the persuasive effects of fear appeals: The case of anti-smoking public service announcements. Journal of medical marketing, 12(2), 73-80.

Terry-McElrath, Y. M., Emery, S., Wakefield, M. A., O'malley, P. M., Szczypka, G., & Johnston, L. D. (2013). Effects of tobacco-related media campaigns on smoking among 20-30-year-old adults: longitudinal data from the USA. Tobacco control, 22(1), 38-45.

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