Suzhou Pingtan development

Published: 2023-09-07
Suzhou Pingtan development
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Entertainment Food Disorder
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1039 words
9 min read

After defeating the Gang of Four, Chen Yun convened a symposium in Hangzhou with the consent of the Central Ministry of Culture (He, 2011). During the symposium, the Minutes of Pingtan Forum was published, which pointed out the necessity of criticizing the Gang of Four, who undermined the characteristics of Pingtan to be reformed and developed into a new form of art during the Cultural Revolution(Domes, 1977). Then in November 1979, three years after the Cultural Revolution, the Fourth National Literary Representative Congress was held, and members present initiated the establishment of the Suzhou Pingtan Research Association, which got aimed at consolidating and developing the solidarity of the Pingtan community since toppling the Gang of Four (Shi, 2016).

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How did Suzhou Pingtan have promising development in 1980-1990?

During the early 1980s, many people got motivated in storytelling, and many new faces got seen on stage, which was a good sign of the future of Suzhou Pingtan art. Chen Yun talked in favor of the art and went ahead to introducing a Form blatt to revive it i.e., "produce people, produce stories and walk the correct path." Few of tanci performers also began being summoned abroad like Gong Huasheng, wife, and a partner named Cai Xiaojuan of the troupe of Suzhou Pingtan (Bender, 2003). The three got summoned in Hong Kong to make their performances. Others got invited to France, California, Italy, and Japan, which only meant that their art had begun attracting fans worldwide. There was growing consumer demand for the twin storytelling, which raised the mass media markets too. In the 90s, Suzhou Pingtan schools received much support from the China government and went ahead to enrolling more than 140 students (Bender, 2003). Many houses for storytelling got established, which gave room for many talented individuals to join.

Capitalist roaders in power. Capitalist roaders refer to the capitalist class representatives in the communist party. They aim to restore capitalism while putting on the mask of socialism. They are revisionist seizures and struggle for power in China and existed from 1976 after the death of Mao (Shi, 2016).

Great Leap Forward. It is the second five-year plan that was led by the CCP (Chinese Community Party) in the year 1958 to 1962 (Shi, 2016). Mao Zedong, who was the chairman, launched this campaign to reinstate China from an agrarian economy to communist society via the establishment of people's communes.

Gang of fours. Refers to a political group consisting of four Chinese officials of the communist party. The officials were the influential members of the communist party who managed the power organs of the party during the cultural revaluation in China (Domes, 1977).

Before the Cultural Revolution, Pingtan was already a popular form of entertainment.

Suzhou Pingtan refers to a general term for both Tanci and Pinghua, a traditional musical narrative of Chinese people. It is a form of art that applies various voices and instruments to perform or narrate a given story. It originated 400 years ago in Suzhou. Zhejiang and Jiangsu are the two traditions that Suzhou Pingtan has been recognized as well as in Shanghai, which gets revealed through art (Hao, 2007). Pingtan got recognized in China as the sweetest tone, and many people would gather to watch as it gets performed, implying they had developed a liking of the art since long ago. From 1739 to 1796, during Emperor Qianlong reign, this form of art was already at its peak, meaning its popularity began long before the Cultural Revolution (Hao, 2007). Despite it originating in Suzhou, pingtan got said to flourish in Shanghai, which seconds the fact that this form of art was famous even before the 1966 revolution (Hao, 2007).

The Positive Impact of Culture Revolution on China, Chinese music, and Suzhou Pingtan

After China's Cultural Revolution, various developments in Chinese music, Suzhou pingtan, and China generally got witnessed. For instance, the revolution led to the establishment of multiple radio stations. Their establishment made the pingtan art known by many since most people listened to radios. People from all professions began developing an interest in art. Chinese music got blended in their art due to the use of musical instruments, which means it got known and appreciated by many (Hao, 2007). The founding of CPR (China's People's Republic) led to the establishment of the first art company that provided a good platform for those interested to join. Many talents got natured and developed, and performers joined hands in creating a hall that could hold many people. The mode of storytelling changed from long to short stories, and many advanced forms of performing got adapted (Hao, 2007). Advancement in technology led to Chinese art and music popularizing even more.

Vox Dance Remix, Why the Red Flowers, there are two Chinese songs, can you introduce in 1-2 sentences for each song? Author, years, which type of songs. Love songs, or revolutionary songs?

Vox dance remix is a love song by Kati G, a Chinese songwriter, released in 2015. The song is fantastic love, which is in the best hits album, whereas, why the red flowers are a revolutionary song by Rednex released in 1994. The Chinese use the song during their new year.


Bender, M. (2003). Plum and Bamboo: China's Suzhou Chantefable Tradition. University of Illinois Press., J. (1977). The" Gang of Four"--and Hua Kuo-Feng: Analysis of Political Events in 1975-76. China Quarterly, 473-497., Shen. (2007). Changes in Pingtan Culture from the Viewpoint of Social History [J]. Journal of Shanghai Normal University (Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition), 5., Q. (2011). High Ranking Party Bureaucrats and Oral Performing Literature: The Case of Chen Yun and Pingtan in the People's Republic of China. CHINOPERL, 30(1), 77-101., G. (2015). Spatial vox dance remix. (1994). Why the Red Flowers.Shi, Y. (2016). Performing Local Identity in a Contemporary Urban Society: A Study of Ping-tan Narrative Vocal Tradition in Suzhou, China (Doctoral dissertation, Durham University).

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