Essay Sample on The Foundational Psychopathology Research

Published: 2023-11-12
Essay Sample on The Foundational Psychopathology Research
Essay type:  Rhetorical analysis essays
Categories:  Research Medicine Mental disorder Psychological disorder
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1296 words
11 min read

Psychological disorders have led to the establishment of varied research by different organizations to understand psychological disorders a person is facing. Psychopathology has helped identify the specific psychological disorders an individual if facing (Bouchard, 2004). Psychopathology has also led to the identification of rational psychology and abnormal psychology, which are well differentiated by the intensity of disorders an individual faces. Research has also helped identify and establish reliable scopes to use when dealing with an individual faced with psychological disorders (Distel et al., 2012). The research paper illustrates the foundational psychopathology research, abnormal research designs, interpretation of claims in foundational research about abnormal psychology, and developed research questions.

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Literature Review

In the foundational research development by researchers in psychopathology, the researchers had varied claims. The researchers claimed that the diagnosis of a psychological disorder in an individual is diagnosed by comparing the individual traits and behavioral changes with the individual's family (Grunberg et al., 2015). Treatment of psychological disorders includes Antipsychotic treatment, cortical dopamine reduction treatment, upstream and downstream genetic factors considered when administering treatment, and the development of medications targeting pathophysiology.

Biological relations may lead to psychological disorders in that the disorders are hereditary in a family setting. The socio-cultural aspect that causes the development of psychological disorders in an individual in a scenario where a person feels neglected or fails in a task completed by other individuals (Howes et al., 2016).Psychopathology evolution in the history of abnormal psychology has seen the revelation that molecular mechanisms in mammals affect individuals' psychological disorders, a view presented by Wolf and Brodie (Mann et al., 2015). Psychopathology evolution also introduces a classification system to identify mental disorders.

The Big Five Model was also employed in foundational research by researchers in psychopathology. The Big Five Model illustrates the individual differences considering extraversion of an individual, agreeableness of an individual, conscientiousness of individual neuroticism of a person, and openness. The above factors greatly influence a person's abnormal psychological disorder, hence the possibility of determining the exact abnormal psychological disorder an individual is facing.

The Big Five method used in foundational research towards abnormal psychology disorder helped the researchers understand the causes of abnormal psychological condition factors. After discovering the causing factors of abnormal psychological disorders in an individual, researchers were also to formulate the treatment mechanisms of abnormal psychological disorders regarding the condition's factors.

Ethical issues that presented themselves in the foundational research included communication. Prior communication was made to the participants who would be used by researchers to conduct the foundational research. Channels used for communication included mobile phones and mailings, whereby invitations were given with a detailed explanation of the research being conducted. Verbal or written permission was obtained from the parents or guardians of the foundational research children. Parents and guardians of the children involved in the research were only required to fill out an online survey.

In contrast, the adolescents were required to visit the research center, the University of Texas at Austin. Potential risks that would occur included adverse side effects of the apparatus and chemicals used for lab testing when conducting the foundational research. The researchers ensured the use of approved testing procedures by the University of Texas review board.

The historical evolution of ethical views in foundational research has had a significant significance. That was so due to the high civilization state of society. Ethical issues are highly respected. That was evident in the foundation research when there was prior communication to the people to be involved in the research. Where children were involved, parents or guardians first had to give consent.

Research Design

Abnormal psychology research is yet to explore the seasonal occurrence of abnormal psychology disorder in individuals. An abnormal psychological disorder is not a long-term disorder for every individual. Some individuals are faced with disorder seasonally. That implies that individuals facing seasonal abnormal psychological disorders seek professional assistance rarely, which should not be the case. That is a gap in the abnormal psychology research that could be explored further.

Addressing the abnormal psychology research gap requires the formulation of a question to be answered by the individuals facing seasonal abnormal psychology disorder. The questions formed to conduct the research further should not subject an individual to fear or shame(Stanton et al., 2020). Such questions may be, why does seasonal psychological disorder occur? When is it likely for an individual to face seasonal abnormal psychological disorders?

The gap left by abnormal psychology research, analytical research will be employed to explore abnormal psychology research further. Analytical research is best as it will answer the questions formulated to manage the abnormal psychology research gap. For instance, analytical research will answer the questions when seasonal abnormal disorder occurs and why it occurs.

Ethical issues in the research aimed at managing the abnormal psychology research gap are communication and privacy. Targeted participants will be communicated to and explained the purpose of the research—measures to ensure that the details and the information given by the participants are not disclosed whatsoever. Therefore, the research participants should be assured of their privacy by presenting them with valid documentation describing the anonymity levels when conducting the research.

Accounting for ethical issues arising from the research is informed by the levels of privacy individuals' details and information they give. The research aims to manage the gap in the abnormal psychological disorder in individuals, and some of the individuals partaking the research might have abnormal psychological disorders. Such individuals will value anonymity as they do not want their condition to be known as they have been hiding it for well-known reasons. In such a scenario, it will be injustice to disclose their details and information about the research. Disclosing an individual's details and their ideologies against their will is a criminal offense.


Foundational research led to the development of abnormal psychology disorder research. Abnormal psychology disorder is a branch of psychology that entails studying the unusual behavior of an individual, the change of emotional and thought patterns of a person that cannot be accounted for hence conforming to a mental disorder. Researchers embarked on abnormal psychology research and developed the causes and mechanisms to diagnose abnormal psychology disorders and abnormal psychological disorder management mechanisms. However, the research had a gap as it did not address seasonal abnormal psychological disorders, which individuals also suffer from. This research paper recommends the use of analytical research to manage the gap from abnormal psychology research.


Bouchard Jr, T. J. (2004). Genetic influence on human psychological traits: A survey. Current directions in psychological science, 13(4), 148-151.

Distel, M. A., Rolling, M. P., Tielbeek, J. J., van Toor, D., Derom, C. A., Trull, T. J., & Boomsma, D. I. (2012). The covariation of trait anger and borderline personality: A bivariate twin-siblings study. Journal of abnormal psychology, 121(2), 458.

Grunberg, V. A., Cordova, K. A., Bidwell, L., & Ito, T. A. (2015). Can marijuana make it better? Prospective effects of marijuana and temperament on risk for anxiety and depression. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 29(3), 590.

Howes, O. D., McCutcheon, R., Owen, M. J., & Murray, R. (2016). The role of genes, stress, and dopamine in the development of schizophrenia dopamine and the prodrome.

Mann, F. D., Briley, D. A., Tucker-Drob, E. M., & Harden, K. P. (2015). A behavioral genetic analysis of callous-unemotional traits and Big Five personality in adolescence. Journal of abnormal psychology, 124(4), 982.

Stanton, K., McDonnell, C. G., Hayden, E. P., & Watson, D. (2020). Transdiagnostic approaches to psychopathology measurement: Recommendations for measure selection, data analysis, and participant recruitment. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129(1), 21.

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