The Muslim Recapture of Jerusalem at the Battle Of Hattin - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-03-14
The Muslim Recapture of Jerusalem at the Battle Of Hattin - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  History
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1083 words
10 min read

Born in Tikrit, a city in modern-day Iraq, Salah al-Din Ayyubi grew up in a Kurdish Muslim family during a politically and religiously conflicting era. In about 1137 A.D., the future conqueror of Jerusalem and the unifier of the Levant entered the world of the Crusades. Founder of the Ayyubid Dynasty and 11th century Sultan of Egypt, Salah al-Din and his important traits contributed significantly to the Muslim recapture of Jerusalem during the Battle of Hattin in 1187, as well as gaining much respect and admiration from worshippers of both sides of the strife.

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In his early years, education in theology, law, and history comprised much of Salah al-Din's life. He also found interest in Arab literature, as well as Islamic law. He was a devout Muslim and practiced his religion accordingly. Combat became a great deal of his early training, which opened the door to a future so frequently spent on the battlefield.1 Under Guy of Luisgnan, King of the Crusader State of Jerusalem and commander of the Frankish army was quite an intimidating force of over The These knights were very well trained and influential in the eyes of the Europeans. Though it's not entirely sure if Salah al-Din's ambition to recapture Jerusalem was a militaristic or purely political and religious drive, it's clear that he would not choose to pull away from achieving this.

The battle of Hattin is said to have taken place in the year of the lord's embodiment in 1187 when they attacked the city of Jerusalem. The sacred city of Jerusalem was enclosed from every side by the Salah Al Din's army, who were unbelievers. The army shot arrows from every corner into the air. The city was awakened with great noise and the uproar of the Christians as they wept for help "true and holy cross sepulcher of Jesus Christ resurrection! Save the city of Jerusalem and its dwellers!" both sides joined the combat, and the fight was furious on as the Christians were determined in defending their city from being taken by pagans. However, due to the previous wars from the Turkish, the battle lasted for two weeks as arrows were falling like rain to the city from everywhere, as the believers fought back for one week as the opponent settled down on the other sideways of the strong hold of the house of David.

When Saladin saw that there was no advancement from where they had settled down and on what had happened, he stopped further destruction to Jerusalem city and began to inspect the feeble points to identify the best site for attacking the town. On the dawn of the previous night, Saladin had ordered for the moving of the camp quietly without any movements. As their tents were pitched in the valley of Jehoshaphat and on Mount Joy and Mount Olives as a trick as people from Jerusalem rejoiced thinking that the king of Syria had run away as did not burn down the city from his arrangements. However, their joy turned to grief in a short time.

The king of Egypt had ordered engines to be built and balisters to be loaded as olive twigs, and twigs of other trees were used to cover the motors within the city. During the evening, the king had arranged for the army to take the arms and engines up so as Christians could not have enough time to counter the attack as they would be at the foot of the war walls preparing. Saladin had 10000 knights who had the bows and lances on horseback, in an approach of blocking the city who would try attack back. There was also another 10000 men armed with arrows and bows for shooting with secret shields and targets as he remained with the commanders and around the engines. When everything was planned, the army started to breakdown the corners of the tower and attacked the city from all angles as they flooded arrows everywhere. And after a few days, the Saladin army had won the battle as they had managed to defeat the Jerusalem army in the wise and skilled way from their commander and king Saladin.

After the war, the Christians sent diplomats to the ruler of Syria to lower his fury, take them as associates as he obligated for others, and the king declined to take their message. He was stating that he had been getting information from his wise men that Jerusalem could never be cleansed or saved from the Christian blood. They tried to offer him hundred of thousands of besants as Saladin refuses.

However, they sent another group which asked Saladin to name his price to comply or die. Saladin is thought to had raised terms for the Jerusalem inhabitants that each male, who was 10 years old and above to pay a fee of ten besants for his redemption, with ladies paying 5 besants and 7 and one years old boys to pay one besant. Stating that those who would comply with the conditions to vacate freely with their belongings and those who fail to be peasants and servants.Saladin was honored for the legacy of taking Jerusalem's control for more than eighty-nine years. During that time, he dignified the greatness of Mohammed's principles, which demonstrated that the power of Mohammed surpassed those of the Christian faith.

Through his conquest of Jerusalem, he is much remembered by both the Christians and Muslims over what he did by not slaughtering the Christians who failed to comply with his terms. However, to the present from the Muslims as the father of Islam religion and his significance over the Islam religion. To many of the Muslims believe that Jerusalem's fall was due to the wickedness of the Christians, corruption nature of the priests and bishops who worshipped in the temple. With the thought of cleansing the city but rather defiled it with their unclean thoughts and deeds from their shouting with unclean lips as according to the Muslims perceptions: "Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!" meaning God is great.


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Emoul. Moul: The Battle of Hattin, 1187. New York; Fordham University, 1998.

France, John. Hattin: Great Battles. New York; Oxford University Press, 2015.

Hillenbrand, Carole. The Crusades: Islamic Perspectives. Abingdon; Routledge, 2000.

Lyons, Malcolm Cameron. Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War. Cambridge; The University of Cambridge, 1982.

Mohring, Hannes. Saladin: The Sultan and His Times, 1138-1193. Munich; The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.

Nicole, David. Hattin 1187: Saladin's Greatest Victory. California; Praeger, 2005.

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