Theories for Quality Care: Paper Example

Published: 2022-12-14
Theories for Quality Care: Paper Example
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Nursing management Nursing care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 888 words
8 min read

Nursing forms an integral part of health care as it aids in ensuring the best medical outcome. Therefore, to ensure the superior outcome, there is a need to ensure that practitioners employ the right practice which results in quality care. However, to ensure successful nursing practices, there is a need to understand the dynamics of the nursing practices and issues for consideration in delivering the right medical attention. King's conceptual system theory offers an in-depth explanation of the nursing practices by highlighting the parties involved, the nature of the interaction, and ways ensuring efficient service delivery.

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There exist three main systems in King's concept. They include personal, interpersonal, and social system (Wayne, 2017). The personal system is the individuals involved in the nursing practice. They include the nurses, patients, family members, other professionals, and friends (Gunther, 2017). These individuals interact with each other and the health environment, thus leading to the development of the interpersonal system. Therefore, the interpersonal system includes the patient-nurse, nurse-physician, and the nurse-patient family relationship. The social system comprises of a large group with a common goal. They include the healthcare setting, educational institutions, and workplaces (Gunther, 2017). These systems interact to provide superior service quality.

The systems determine the successful attainment of health goals. According to Kings, the main goal of nursing is to improve and restore the health of the patient (Gunther, 2017). However, since the system is crucial in realizing the goal of the profession, their successful interaction will influence the attainment of the goal. Both the patient and nurse perceive, judge and act. On the other hand, the nurse reacts to each other and their patient and create a relationship (Gunther, 2017). Through the repeated interaction between the nurse and patient, they decide on ways of realizing the health goals. They also play a key role in implementing the course of action. Therefore, if the patient has a positive attitude towards the nurse and the medical process, they would indicate their commitment to the treatment plan, thus leading to the attainment of the medical goal. On the other hand, a good interpersonal relationship between patient and nurse result in effective interaction, communication, and role performance, thus leading to improved quality care.

Kings theory can be applied to defining a clinical quality problem. By analyzing the interpersonal system, one can ascertain whether the facility has nurses with the capability to offer quality care. In this case, the issue for consideration is the ability of a service provider to exhibit behaviors required for effective service delivery (Gunther, 2017). If the nurses do not exhibit the expected behavior while attending to patients, then the clinic while experience quality problem. The patient will over negative review regarding the medical attention offered by the clinic. On the other hand, if the health care setting does not create an enabling environment for interaction between the patient and nurse, it hinders effective service delivery which in turn impact on the quality of care offered. In the end, the facility will report clinical quality problems.

Given the provisions of the theory, it can be applied in practice improvement initiative in the health sector. The knowledge of the individuals' goal and expectation aid in the identification of practice necessary to offer quality care. For example, if the existing interaction between the patient and nurse do not meet the standard practice, then necessary measures to correct the mistake. In this case, improvements are undertaken on the existing services to ensure they meet up to the expectation of the patients. A good case is the application of personal care to treat patients living with chronic disease. Such kind of patients required close attention which can only be offered through personal medical care.

There exist several aspects of the Kings theory that the quality can consider while determining the effectiveness of service delivery. They include communication, interaction, role, and perception. The superior outcome for these aspects indicates a better outcome (Wayne, 2019). For example, if there exist proper and successful interactions between the patients and nurses, then the service provider report quality care. In the end, the quality committee will report a positive outcome. On the other hand, successful communication in delivering the result to a better outcome. Finally, the perception of individual regard previous care also aids in determining the outcome of service delivery. When a patient indicates positive perception, then the quality committee will affirm positive outcome from service delivery.

In addition to King's conceptual system, the Orem Self-care Deficit theory could be applied to improve the quality care. Orem's theory improves the quality of care as it enhances the communication between the nurse and patient, thus increasing the quality of health outcome (Kumar, 2007). By employing the theory, patients are educated on ways of attending to their needs can attend to in the absence of the caregiver, thus increasing the quality of health outcome. The practice has been a success among patients with diseases such as diabetes that require close attention.


Gunther, M. (2017). Kings Conceptual System and Theory of Goal Attainment in Nursing Practice. Nurse Key. Retrieved from

Kumar, P.C. (2007). Application of Orem Self-Care Deficit Theory and Standardized Nursing Language in a Case Study of Women with Diabetes. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge.

Wayne, G. (2019). Imogene M. King's Theory of Goal Attainment. Nurses Lab. Retrieved from

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