Essay Sample on Training Styles

Published: 2023-09-24
Essay Sample on Training Styles
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Teaching Learning Problem solving
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1323 words
12 min read

Trainers usually spend a lot of time developing training and developing themselves as trainers. There is a need to align the right trainer with a well-thought-out training style. Hence, a trainer should spend time understanding more about personal training style with questions concerning the type of style, the reason for using the style, and how the style works (Blevins, 2014, p. 59). A good trainer has to understand the reason he or she is training before starting the training itself. That can be done through personal assessment and setting the training goals and objectives. The paper explains the progressive training style together with the way of accommodating the style; then, it discusses the development needs and ways of addressing such needs.

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Progressive Training Style

The training style focuses on problem-solving, and it uses methods such as cooperative learning and activity-based curriculum. In style, the teacher or the trainer is taken as the guide and is responsible for organizing and evaluating the learning process (Biech, 2017, p. 10). The style utilizes intrinsic motivation, which is based on activities relating to learner's interests, and it works to boost experience and support the talents of learners via extensive experiments that concentrate largely on learns development.

The progressive style has qualities such as integrated learning, which focuses on thematic units, emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving, emphasis on learning by doing, which are experimental learning, hands-on-projects, and expeditionary learning. Other qualities are the development of social skills and group work, cooperative and collaborative learning projects, emphasis on lifelong learning, favors varied learning resources and de-emphasizes textbooks, learning which is highly personalized and that accounts for needs of every learner, and lastly the style takes action and understanding as learning goals instead of emphasizing on rote knowledge.

The progressive style is learner-focused, meaning it has flexible learning objectives, the timing, and the base of the learning is influenced by learners. The learning is acquired by practicing skills. The style also assumes learners are knowledgeable and experienced, and it elicits ideas and examples from learners (Biech, 2017, p. 32). Also, because of its learner-focused approach, the style takes learners to be active participants who are the primary source of information in the training as they are allowed to glean concepts in the training process.

The style is important because it fosters a problem-solving skill, teaches via the practical lens, and creates a democratic learning environment. The style is natural for the worldview, and it allows learners to gradually increase their learning experience as time goes through the training period. Periodically, it gives learners a higher degree of challenge in the learning process as it increases their thinking in every problem being solved in the learning process, especially via practicals in which the trainer changes and improves regularly. It assists learners to grow in terms of knowledge, skills, and experience gained in less time. However, sometimes depending on environments, a trainer can switch to other training styles.

The best way to adapt to the progressive training style is by understanding the students or learners in general and identifying the reason for coming to the training. By doing so, the trainer can tailor the training style and disseminate the best knowledge (Blevins, 2014, p. 61). The style is also adopted by learning how to become a guide to learners because progressive training style requires the trainer to be a guide to the learners. More so, adaptation is made through understanding the ways of organizing and, at the same time, evaluating the learning process. The trainer should be an expert in the evaluation and organization of a learning process to be able to guide learners correctly and help them through practical to solve problems.

Personal Development Needs

A trainer has to identify personal development needs through carrying self-assessment, which considers the trainer's training goals and objectives, looks at the needs of the learners and is done in light of the training style of the trainer (Cekada, 2012, p. 40). The development needs are essential in the current setting, especially in schools and business environments, because of the changing skills needed in training, especially in the current 21st century, which is characterized by the need for higher-order abilities, learning dispositions, and skills.

Hence, one of the development needs for a trainer is on the higher-order abilities, skills, and learning disposition. Because as a trainer, it is important to be familiar with the current learning disposition process and the recent abilities and skills needed in the workplace to be able to disseminate such current skills and abilities to the learners. The development need is important, and it is required to enable learner's success in the current changing workplaces and digital society (Kohli et al., 2015, p. 19). The trainer addresses the need by familiarizing himself or herself with deeper training and researching on specific skills that are in line with progressive training style. Such skills are complex problem solving, analytic reasoning, and teamwork skills.

Another development need is staying up to date with current information concerning the training topic or subject. A trainer should be in a position of knowing the changes in the syllabus through upcoming information that arises because of the ever-changing workplace together with the needs o students. The student needs are not rigid; the workplace environment is also affected by changing trends as technology changes; thus, a trainer has an obligation of updating personal training techniques and materials used to meet learners' and workplace needs. The need is addressed through periodic analysis and reflection. The learner's needs should be assessed periodically to record any changes, then adjust the training and the way the information in training materials is presented.

The other development need is furthering personal knowledge and education in a specific teaching area. A trainer should expand personal knowledge concerning the area of specialists by learning the best ways to teach the subject concepts and content more effectively. The need is addressed by reviewing the concepts and content to be thought during non-teaching hours or periods and furthering knowledge by learning new concepts in the same subject.

Also, there is a need to develop analytical, technical, and quantitative skills that can be utilized in analyzing the student-performance data (Johns, 2012, p. 23). The skills are essential to assist a trainer make modifications to the teaching techniques and academic programs that most suit the changing students' needs and changing workplace as a result of continuous advancement in technology. The need is addressed through spending time in learning the three skills through a specialized program that might be offered online and is tailored specifically for trainers.

Enhancing ultimate teaching techniques and learning technological skills are other needs. A trainer has to learn more about the best way to frame questions and manage the classroom more effectively in a manner that elicits more substantial answers to learners, and that enables deeper thinking. A trainer also has to learn to utilize course-management systems to enhance student performance and teaching effectiveness.

In conclusion, progressive training style is the most important style, which is learner-focused, and it focuses mostly on practical and problem-solving. It encompasses cooperative learning and activity-based curriculum, and if the trainer is the guide in the learning process. A trainer in the training process must identify various development needs to keep base with the changing learning environment and student needs. Some of the development needs are enhancement of the basics teaching techniques, higher-order skills and abilities, development of analytical, technical, and quantitative skills, and staying up to date with current information of the area of specialization.


Biech, E, 2017. Identifying your training style.

Blevins, S., 2014. Understanding learning styles. Medsurg Nursing, 23(1), pp.59-61.

Cekada, T.L., 2012. Training a multigenerational workforce: Understanding key needs & learning styles. Professional Safety, 57(03), pp.40-44.

Johns, H., 2012. Personal development in counselor training. Sage.

Kohli, R., Picower, B., Martinez, A.N., and Ortiz, N., 2015. Critical professional development: Centering the social justice needs of teachers. The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 6(2).

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