Free Essay: Why Is the Idea of Liberal Media Bias so Widespread?

Published: 2023-01-18
Free Essay: Why Is the Idea of Liberal Media Bias so Widespread?
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Media Public relations Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 678 words
6 min read

The widespread liberal media bias relies on the targets of motivated journalists who are motivated and tend to concentrate on identified goals. Such work can either be classified as bias or not bias in the eyes of the public; therefore, promoting the elements of worth and factual accountability in their work. Moreover, the perceptions of journalists and the public conflict; thus, creating a discussion on the widespread of media bias because if one identified objective on a party of interest is covered the most, the public will recognize it as biasness since the media is not focusing on other parties. Furthermore, trending news also highlights the elements of biasness since much information on the report will feature than the rest that is related to the trend. Ideally, the widespread liberal media bias relies on the perceptions of the public and the journalist since they are responsible for most of the critics.

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Does it exist in practice and if so to what extent?

Some reports and media publications reflect on the elements of liberal media bias. According to Stecula Dominik's article "More Republicans in the news? That's not media bias," it reflects that the content covered by the New York Time and The Washington Posts favored the Republican Political Party. In other terms, for every published article on the Democrat Party, three articles covering the Republican Party were published. Nonetheless, according to a survey conducted on the social media sites as well as the American population perceptions, it is clear that the public perceives liberal media bias, for example, it was experienced in 2017 poll where 45 percent of the American society witnessed a great norm of bias in news media.

Also, the political realm of the U.S. reflects an extensive standard of liberal media bias, for example, the U.S political makeup. Below is a table that reflects on the biased coverage in percentage. "Housing sector - democrats 44.4% - Republican 54.3 %: Senate - 47% democrats - 51% republicans; State Senates (aggregate) - 40.1% democrats - 56.1% Republicans: State Houses (Aggregate) - 42% democrats - 56.4% Republican: Governors - 32% democrats - 66% republicans." In other words, there are more heavy elements of liberal media biases in the political journalism sector than others.

Why is the critique of liberal media misleading?

Ideally, liberal media bias is not a new topic in U.S. history, but it is an old playbook conservative that has been implemented against other media platforms such as newspapers. Research indicates that Silicon Valley needs to bear the blame of the biasness since search engines and social media platforms establish and programmed their algorithms in a secretive and exclusive manner. With the lack of explanations on the algorithms, trolls, conspiracy mongers, and demagogues have cropped up to support liberal media bias. In other terms, the extent to the evolution of the media has created opportunities for the widespread of critics within the topic.

What are major media biases, and how do they impact the content?

There are three dominant liberal media bias, sensationalism, story section and placement, and labeling. First, sentimentality is a feature of editorial bias in media that involves the over the publication of events, topics in new stories, and excellent pieces of written works. Moreover, it consists of the release of general, unimportant issues which have minimal influence overall civilization. Next, the story section and placement in different media bias is the approach where journalists report news stories that overlap their intended intention, objective, and aim. Moreover, it is a system that promotes the repetitive report of the same story that supports an identified person of interest; thus, publishing information that helps only one person and not the others. Lastly, labeling is a form of bias that occurs in two states. First is the one the labels conservative politicians and extremist groups while leaving out liberal politicians vice versa. Next, it is when the media fails to recognize if the party is a liberal or a conservative but portrays him/her by positive brands.


Stecula, M. More Republicans in the news? That's not media bias. July 31, 2018. (accessed May 28, 2019).

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