Free Essay: What Role Nurse Manager Plays in Healthcare Reengineering

Published: 2018-03-16
Free Essay: What Role Nurse Manager Plays in Healthcare Reengineering
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Nursing management Nursing leadership
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 525 words
5 min read

How Nurse Managers and Nurse Leaders Contribute to the Reengineering of Health Care

The significance of nurse managers and leaders in reengineering health care cannot be overestimated. Cutting a long story short, they are the advocates for both patients and staff, the main purpose of whom is to create a calm, effective, and highly functional environment. Why are nurse leaders and managers important? Check out the two basic ways they can advance the success of the institution:

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- They provide detailed information about the various aspects of questions that help them make reasonable and meaningful decisions.

- They act on behalf of other people, who have little to no chance or power to defend their positions.

- They create a unique atmosphere of mutual respect between the patients and hospital staff.

According to the reviews of both parts, nurse managers and leaders are the most dependable and quality link between them, as they help patients and staff be informed of their rights and obligations. Besides, they keep people aware of the available options so that they can make reasonable and advantageous decisions, irrespective of their nature.

Apart from the basic functions, the nurse managers should also check on the feedback of the patient care staff to make sure they relish comfortable working conditions and are equipped with everything necessary for flawless and problem-free functioning. At the same time, it is indispensable to remember that leaders and managers are not bare assistants, they should be friends, relatives, and supporters who help through the most challenging processes and events.

What Is the Personality of a Perfect Nurse Manager and Leader?

It is indispensable to mention that there is no chance to become a successful and professional nurse manager or leader without much time and effort spent molding the character and advancing skills. Simultaneously, it is critical to realize what a qualified and experienced specialist should be like. Do you resemble the perfect image of the nurse leader? Then go the extra mile to achieve the desired effect.

Although various people may approach nurse managers and leaders differently, there are some critical characteristics that should obligatorily be met. There is no way the health care system succeeds without the contribution of true professionals. So, what does a real specialist look like? Check out the basic characteristics you should focus on in order to become a competitive manager or leader worth appreciation:

Flexibility. Can you adjust to a new reality fast? This is the first and the most significant characteristic of the nurse manager, who can participate in the healthcare reengineering, making the process smooth and beneficial.

Stress-resistance. The nurse leaders and managers play important roles in the lives of both hospital staff and patients, so they should be ready to make decisions fast and without extra emotions.

Determination. Do you know the goal you need to achieve? An ability to visualize the final result is the only way to achieve successful results.

These are only a few features and specifications of the professional nurse managers and leaders, but they can fully reveal their significance for healthcare reengineering.

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