Essay Sample on PointClickCare EHR System

Published: 2018-03-02
Essay Sample on PointClickCare EHR System
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Information technologies Technology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 902 words
8 min read

What is PointClickCare?

The Hebrew Home of Greater Washington uses Electronic Health Record as opposed to paper charts. The EHR employed at this facility is known as PointClickCare, a cloud-based EHR that provides a platform for improvement of healthcare service delivery. It assures the highest care quality with exemplary performance. As compared to other types of EHR, PointClickCare is relatively easy to install and use. One need not be a computer geek or professional to understand and use this system. Once you have the basic computer knowledge, then you are ready to go. Perhaps the biggest win about this software is its ability to simplify complex processes and present them in layman’s language (Coiera, 2017).

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Therefore, one does not need to worry about regulatory compliance procedures. PointClickCare connects the whole care network and sees to secure interdepartmental communication and intraprofessional collaboration. Other forms of communication enhanced by PointClickCare include horizontal, lateral and diagonal. In the right manipulation, confidentiality can be maintained and limited to those that the information is meant for. Using PointClickCare, one can adjust the privileges of each user and limit them to their field area. For instance, nurses are not able to access or manipulate billing information making it an efficient EHR (Coiera, 2017).

Does PointClickCare Align To Healthcare Information Standards?

PointClickCare is a very effective EHR primarily because it conforms to the healthcare information standards. Sensitivity is one of the primary characteristics of healthcare information. Information about someone’s health is very personal and should be treated with utmost confidentiality. PointClickCare facilitates this by ensuring that each user account is password protected, and therefore, one cannot use another person’s account to access or manipulate medical information. Secondly, depending on the position you hold in the facility, your privileges are very specific and limited to your departmental needs. This prevents unnecessary snooping and access to confidential information.

Thirdly, the EHR uses hospital language that is understood by the entire hospital fraternity. Unlike other EHRs that use business language and one has to make the necessary adjustments to fit in the hospital context, PointClickCare is tailor cut for the hospital setting. The message delivery is instant, and this is very imperative. An old saying goes “a stitch in time saves nine.” PointClickCare developers had an idea about the importance urgency when it comes to healthcare information. There are no lags associated with the program.

Security Standards of PointClickCare.

The security levels of PointClickCare are impressive. However, there are a few things that could use adjustments. For instance, since any member of the hospital fraternity can log onto their account from any computer, there should be an auto-lock mechanism in place. In that, when connected, each computer should automatically sign you out after a period of inactiveness, say 30 minutes. On refreshing the computer, it is supposed to ask you for a password thus, locking out people from your account ("The Benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) | Providers & Professionals |", 2017).

The option of remembering a name and password for this system should be deactivated. All members should log onto the EHR software on each visit there to ensure total security.

PointClickCare and Patient Confidentiality

Patient confidentiality is of ultimate importance in healthcare service delivery. A breach of patient confidentiality could invoke serious legal and professional consequences, and for that reason, it should be a priority when selecting a EHR program.

When it comes to patient privacy, the program allows staff to access medical records and facilitates real-time information exchange. For instance, patient results are sent through the program and secured with an end-to-end encryption which means that the developers or any third parties cannot access the results. PointClickCare ensures closed communication. The CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) certified EHR ensures high-level confidentiality; therefore, the information is only accessed by those it is meant for (De Bord, Burke, & Dudzinski, 2013).

Making Appropriate Decisions

Data obtained from the EHR can be used to make appropriate decisions and carry out the necessary changes. To be an effective change agent, the following process should be followed.

1. Acknowledge and understand why change is necessary – This is the first step of initiating the desired change in healthcare service delivery. A nurse administrator should understand the need for this change and the solution that is anticipated.

2. Communicate the need for change – Once you understand the necessity of modification in this sector, you should communicate it to the fellow nurses and make it clear to them.

3. Develop open-mindedness- The change plans soon follow. For instance, using the data obtained from the EHR, the nurse can assess their satisfaction levels using questionnaires.

4. Implementation of change plans – Once the plans are in place, the administrator nurse should ensure that they are obeyed with the aid of supervision.

5. Progress evaluation – After the change has been implemented, the nurse administrator should assess the benefits associated with it and acknowledge the fellow nurses.


Coiera, E. (2017). Communication Systems in Healthcare. PubMed Central (PMC). Retrieved 3 February 2017, from

De Bord, J., Burke, W., & Dudzinski, D. (2013). Confidentiality: Ethical Topic in Medicine Retrieved 3 February 2017, from

The Benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) | Providers & Professionals |

(2017). Retrieved 3 February 2017, from

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