Free Essay on General Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder

Published: 2019-09-04
Free Essay on General Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Mental health Anxiety disorder Psychological disorder
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1715 words
15 min read

General Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder: Unawareness and an Ill-Equipped Health Sector

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Introduction and Thesis

This section offers background information pertaining general social anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder.


Little Research to differentiate General Social Anxiety and Social Anxiety Disorder

The distinction between general social anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder is clouded by the lack of evidence-based researches on pertinent issues regarding the two conditions.

Health Care Workers are Ill-equipped to Evaluate Social Anxiety Disorder and may not be Aware of Evidence-Based Treatments

Health care workers all around the globe do not have the requisite training that can guarantee adequate diagnosis and management of anxiety disorders.

Social Anxiety is a Relatively Common Condition; that Many People are not Aware they Suffer from the Condition; Hence, Misunderstanding the Condition

Social anxiety is often confused with other conditions, especially public speech phobia.

Mass Awareness Campaigns on Social Anxiety Disorder to ensure Proper Diagnosis and Correct Treatment

There is a need for mass health awareness campaigns aimed at elucidating on the pertinent issues regarding social anxiety disorder and general social anxiety disorder.

Misunderstanding of Social Anxiety and General Anxiety

Psychology professionals and health care workers lack adequate knowledge that can guarantee clear-cut distinction of social anxiety disorder and general anxiety disorder.


There is a need for evidence-based research that would reduce instances of misdiagnosis and mismanagement of social anxiety disorder and general social anxiety disorder.

General Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder: Unawareness and an Ill-Equipped Health Sector

Differentiating social anxiety disorder from general social anxiety remains one of the most critical factors that have elicited varying reactions across various settings. The core reason for the lack of a substantive distinction aligns with the limited researches that have been carried out pertaining these conditions. There is a need to an array of empirical researches aimed at identifying critical dynamics that can allow differentiating of social anxiety from general social anxiety. A reflection on the health care context further depicts the existence of a knowledge gap with regards to the understanding of social anxiety disorder and general social anxiety disorder. In most cases, health care providers do not have the requisite knowledge and materials crucial for the diagnosis of social anxiety disorder. Precisely, healthcare providers are mostly ill equipped to evaluate social anxiety disorder and may not be aware of evidence-based treatments. In a nutshell, there is little research to differentiate between general Social anxiety and social anxiety disorder. Healthcare providers are ill equipped to evaluate social anxiety disorder and they are not aware of evidence-based treatments. Social anxiety is a relatively common condition; many people are not aware they suffer from the condition hence misunderstanding the condition. There should be mass awareness of the situation to ensure proper diagnoses and treatment.

Little Research on General Social Anxiety and Social Anxiety Disorder

Adequate diagnosis of any given condition is often reliant on the existence of evidence-based knowledge regarding the condition. Similarly, adequate prognosis is often reliant on the existence of evidence-based knowledge on the pertinent interventions for a particular condition. With regards to general social anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, there is limited research that has been carried out regarding these conditions. For this reason, there is a pertinent lack of crucial knowledge need to adequately distinguish the two conditions (Nagata 287). The little researches that have been carried out regarding general social anxiety and social anxiety do not make correction distinctions between the two conditions. Research on social anxiety disorder and general anxiety disorder should focus on the different methods that call allow for adequate assessment of the two conditions. Notable is the fact that there exist variations in the assessment of anxiety disorders. Assessment of anxiety disorder should often explore the colossal role that automatic arousal plays with regards to the occurrence of social phobia, which is a pertinent factor in the context of anxiety disorders (Kalyva). Assessing the role of automatic arousal provides a more substantive view on the likely factor causing anxiety disorder, which enhances adequate diagnosis.

Conclusively, there is a limited body of research on crucial dynamics regarding social anxiety disorder and general social anxiety disorder. The limited research on general social anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder has resulted in the existence of skewed notions regarding persons with these disorders. People ailing from general social anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder are often perceived as withdrawn, unfriendly, aloof, disinterested, inhibited, shy, naive, and quiet. Emerging research disapproves such perceptions by indicating that persons with the two disorder are often interested in; being included in groups, making friends, and being engaged and involved in social interactions (Hofmann et al. 1124). This example provide a glimpse on the fact that research is crucial in providing substantive insights on various issues pertaining these two disorders. Such insights are important in the diagnosis and provision of adequate interventions in the management of the two conditions.

Lack of well-trained Health Care

While it is true that effective treatment options for anxiety disorders exists, a significant portion of health care providers all around the globe are not aware of the quality health care needed for persons diagnosed with such conditions (Young et al. 55). Statistics drawn from the United States indicate that close to 80% of treatment interventions offered for anxiety disorders are not of a high quality. In a nutshell, rates of poor treatment of anxiety disorders persist all around the world. Another weakness noted with regards to management of anxiety disorders is the fact that patients do not have the confidence to report on poor quality care offered to them by the health personnel. Disparities in the context of health further worsen the provision of health care for those diagnosed with anxiety disorders. There are certain population groups that are at risk of being accorded poor quality care. These include the minority groups; Latinos and blacks, the elderly, men and the youth (Young et al. 58). Persistent segregation of certain population groups elicit a negative notion on health care provision across different contexts.

Health care personnel including therapists and clinicians do not have the requisite capabilities to enable them treat and manage anxiety disorders. There are various dynamics that jeopardize the capability of health care workers to provide adequate care for persons ailing from anxiety disorders. More importantly, health care workers lack adequate training on pertinent issues aligned with anxiety disorders. Notable is the fact that the dynamics of various disease conditions change over time. For this reason there is the need to continuous training of health care workers as a means of enabling them to become conversant with emerging issues pertaining various diseases. A reflection on various health care contexts all around the globe shows that continuous training of health care workers are rare. Therefore, health care workers are rarely updated on emerging diagnosis and treatment options for different conditions (Nagata & Aeisishin 288). This is a contributing factor to the lack of a clear-cut distinction in the diagnosis of general social anxiety disorder from social anxiety disorder. Another factor that jeopardizes the capability of health care workers to provide adequate care for anxiety disorders is the absence or lack evidence-based researches on anxiety disorders (Young et al. 60). Evidence-based researches offer a viable platform that provides the most appropriate diagnosis and treatment options for various conditions. Therefore, lack of such researches results in the use of diagnosis and treatment options. This is a contributing factor to the lack of a clear-cut distinction between general anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder.

Unawareness of Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety disorder is not a rare condition but many people including health professionals still misunderstand it. Many at times, social anxiety disorder is perceived as public speech phobia. According to Nagata & Aeisishin (287), over the last ten years, there has been increased the prevalence of the condition from 0.7%-2.3% since selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors were approved. However, many participants of double-blind studies of selective serotonin uptake were generalized as just another subgroup of generalized social anxiety disorder. This means that patient with generalized social anxiety disorder and secondary depression and most likely misunderstood or under-recognized and classified as treatment resistant. Nagata & Aeisishin (286) recommend a psychotherapeutic approach such as cognitive behavioral therapy as the first line of action for generalized Social Anxiety Disorder.

Mass Awareness Campaigns on Social Anxiety Disorder

It is recommended that health care providers importance of culture in assessing and treating social anxiety disorder. The persistent use of multicultural competent mental health care practitioners often lead to misdiagnosis. Health care workers should not also overlook culturally detailed environmental susceptibility since evidence from recent research highlights social anxiety is more prevalent in some cultures than others (Hofmann et al. 1120).

Misunderstanding of General Social Anxiety Disorder and Social anxiety disorder

Research on anxiety disorders remains one of the most critical dynamics both in the field of psychology and health. However, the distinction between social anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder remains one of the commonly misunderstood subjects in the context of psychology and health. A significant portion of psychology professionals do have the requisite capabilities that can guarantee the understanding of general social anxiety and social anxiety disorder. On a similar note, various health professionals including therapists and clinicians do not have an adequate training that can allow for understanding and diagnosis of the two conditions (Young et al. 59). Conclusively, health care professionals do not have clear-cut knowledge that can facilitate distinction of the two conditions. The situation is further worsened by the fact that scientific researches carried out regarding social anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder have also failed to make correct distinction between the two conditions. Many at times, persons ailing from any given form of anxiety disorder are misdiagnosed. In most instances, persons ailing from any anxiety disorder are more likely to be diagnosed with depression. However, there is a need to realize that all people with anxiety disorders will develop signs and symptoms of depression. While it is true that depression is a symptom of anxiety disorders, it is the anxiety that causes depression and not the other way round. For this purpose, depression may not be an accurate diagnosis for persons ailing from anxiety disorders (Hofmann et al. 1119). From this analysis, misunderstanding of social anxiety disorder remains eminent across various contexts.

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