Essay Example on American Medical News

Published: 2019-09-27
Essay Example on American Medical News
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Media
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1344 words
12 min read

This is a medical publication that reviewed the benefits and the quality of service of HER systems from a patients point of view. The study focused entirely on the perspective of patients. According to the publication, patients believe that doctors can improve the quality of service they provide by using EHR systems. It also indicated that they were more confident if the physician protected the privacy of their medical data. The primary intent of this article was to highlight the comfort that patients felt by giving out their health information and having it stored in the HER technology systems. The survey showed that 60% were more confident in the use of written medical records as opposed to keeping data online that had a high possibility of online and privacy breaching. Over 90% of the respondents indicated trust in their physicians regardless of whether the information was online or in written form. They also felt more comfortable if the doctor let them access their information and records. Therefore, this article is significant in establishing the patients needs and preferences in handling personal information. The HIM workers should collaborate with physicians who can be helpful in convincing the patients to switch to using electronic health records and assure them of full privacy.

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Bredfeldt, Christine E, Awad, Elias Bruce, Joseph, Kenneth, & Snyder, Mark H. (2013).Training providers: beyond the basics of electronic health records. (BioMed Central Ltd.) BioMed Central Ltd.

As much as the application of EHRs is encouraged, this book stresses the importance of providing background and post-implementation training to support the relevant activities. A study is conducted to assess the impact of this training on significant HER activities. The feedback collected from providers, and technical assistance was categorized into two classes that were strategized to improve the effectiveness in performance of staff with the electronic health record systems. The main area of focus in the training was on management of patient-level data using problem and medication lists, and the proficient documentation of information and chart reviews. The classes involved integrated learning through theoretical concepts, the creation of scenarios, hands-on exercise, and additional material to reinforce class concepts. Even though the EHR systems are efficient in performance, their effectiveness can only be noted if they are used well. The wrong usage may lead to serious effects, for example, if a health information management worker enters the wrong data for a patient, a doctor is likely to make the wrong diagnosis. This leads to the wrong remedy administration which may have adverse effects on a patient, for example, aggravating the condition, fatality, or development of other symptoms. In other cases, the patient finds out and later on sues the hospital for damage, leading to a poor reputation in the medical industry.

Health IT.(2014). Differences between electronic medical records and electronic health records. Benefits of EHRs. Retrieved from

People easily confuse EMR s and EHRs. EMR stands for Electronic Medical Records while EHR is the abbreviation for Electronic Health Records. The EMR consists of standard clinical and medical information collected in a providers office, while EHRs include this data plus an inclusion of the patients medical history. Even though they are both run on an online or electric platform, the information from the website distinguishes the similarities and differences between the two. The EHRs give comprehensive details of a patients condition and background, making it a more useful data collection and storage system in a hospital setting. The HIM workers can benefit from this knowledge by being able entirely to separate the functions of the two systems and knowing their relevance.

Machado, L. (2016). Electronic health record systems: risks and benefits. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23 (1).

This issue of the JAMIA Journal consists of a presentation of various applications in the EHR systems for effective clinical decision making. It gives a detailed description of the benefits and risks involved in the use of electronic health record systems. For the past few years, light has been shed on the integration of genetic information. According to studies conducted in the journal, the use of automated genetic information systems evoked a positive reaction among the physicians who took part in the research. The study also indicated that using EHRs resulted into improved performance outcomes in among the health information management workers. An example is given of diabetes patients treated in settings with the EHR equipment indicated better results. As much as the results showed better performance, there seems to be a shortcoming in other areas. The publication also states that there is room for improvement in effectiveness. The journal gives a comprehensive description of the risks and benefits by using tested study cases. It is useful in providing information for workers in the health information management, and aiding hospital administration in weighing the pros and cons when it comes to adapting the use of EHR systems.

University Alliance.(2016). Benefits of Electronic health records.USF Health Online. Retrieved From

Technological advancement has led to the adaptation of better means of uploading, storing, and correcting data. According to this website, the EHRs provide less room for errors in comparison to other information storage means. The website provides a detailed explanation of the benefits of using electronic health records to all the major key players in the industry including patients, administrators, and healthcare providers. If mentions logistics aspects, for example, less paperwork, economic ones for instance financial incentives through the Medicare program, and increased quality care of the patient. On the commercial side, getting the required equipment and training staff in health information management is more costly than using written records. However, the government provides incentives through the Medicare and Medicaid HER Incentive Program for healthcare providers. The website is relevant in providing this information to administrators of hospitals on how to access funds for running the program and its benefits for patients and medical practitioners.

Wegman, D. H., Institute of Medicine (U.S.),& National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2011). Incorporating occupational information in electronic health records: Letter report. Washington DC: National Academies Press.

Wegmans book is based on giving information on the use of electronic health records and the effectiveness in the occupational setting. According to the statistics quoted in the text, over 4,000 people in the United States succumb to occupational fatalities while 3 million people are victims of occupational injuries. An additional 160,000 people suffer from occupational illnesses. The author insists that if the professional information is included in electronic health records, the medical practitioners can improve the clinical diagnosis and create working treatment plans. The use of EHRs also leads to more efficient interventions, prevention strategies, and policies to the improvement of the health labor force. The IOM appointed a committee meant to examine the rationale of incorporating the professional information of patients in electronic medical records. They came up with a conclusion that the EHR systems should immediately include three elements namely industry, occupation, and work-relatedness. The information in this book is beneficial to HIM workers because it increases the quality of their service. By incorporating this information in the electronic systems, they ease the work of the doctors during the diagnosis stage and help determine whether the illnesses or injuries are occupational related.


American Medical News. (2012). Patients recognize quality and security benefits of EHRs. American Medical News. Published on 5 March 2012.

Bredfeldt, Christine E, Awad, Elias Bruce, Joseph, Kenneth, & Snyder, Mark H. (2013).Training providers: beyond the basics of electronic health records. (BioMed Central Ltd.) BioMed Central Ltd.

Health IT.(2014). Differences between electronic medical records and electronic health records.

Benefits of EHRs. Retrieved from

Machado, L. (2016). Electronic health record systems: risks and benefits. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23 (1). University Alliance.(2016). Benefits of Electronic health records.USF Health Online. Retrieved From

Wegman, D. H., Institute of Medicine (U.S.), & National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2011). Incorporating occupational information in electronic health records: Letter report. Washington DC: National Academies Press.

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Essay Example on American Medical News. (2019, Sep 27). Retrieved from

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