Annotated Bibliography Paper Sample on Families with a Disabled Member

Published: 2022-06-24
Annotated Bibliography Paper Sample on Families with a Disabled Member
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Family Mental health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 717 words
6 min read

Lara, E. B., & de los Pinos, C. C. (2017). Families with a disabled member: impact and family education. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, 418-425.

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The article focuses on whether the lives of the families is improved or depleted as a result of the presence of a family member who is living with a disability. The article utilizes a theoretical approach as a way of looking at the impact of the birth of a baby, who is diagnosed with a particular form of disability, the challenges and effects on the family as a result of the same and the positive effects of the support provided by the family intervention programs.

The article appreciates the fact that when the family includes a member who is living with a disability, plenty of time and effort are required to take care of these individuals. Therefore, the article provides a form of awareness services to the families as a way of engaging them in order for them to take note of the problems involved, acquire specific education strategies, and improve conflict resolution and initiating new friendships. Other services include strengthening of these families, improving the quality of their lives, and encouraging other benefits from the community.

Lawthers, A. G., Pransky, G. S., Peterson, L. E., & Himmelstein, J. H. (2003). Rethinking quality in the context of persons with disability. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 15(4), 287-299.

The central theme in the article is the improvement of quality in terms of persons with disability. The article takes a look at the current health services literature that focuses on the quality of care for people living with a disability. It also emphasizes on the need for a unique framework that will help improve quality and patient safety issues. it was found out that there are several potential issues in the clinical quality areas especially for those with disability and impairment. The article recommends a multi-disciplinary approach to quality improvement in order to meet the needs of people living with disabilities.

Zuna, N., Gracia, M., Haring, S. H., & Aguilar, J. M. (2016). Parental perceptions and satisfaction with family services in families of children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 41(3), 233-242.

The article looks at the perceptions parents have and the satisfaction with the family services in families that have children with a disability more specifically those diagnosed with the autism spectrum disorder and other forms of developmental disabilities. The article reports the results from the study that examines disability-related services from a family level.

The articles utilize descriptive statistics to research the types of services these families used, the effectiveness of these services, the services needed but not received as well as the perception the families have based on their knowledge on disability-related family services. The article indicated that many families were satisfied with the services provided but a significant percentage of the sample indicated that there were a few services provided that were not needed. Such services include; sibling support groups, respite, and parent support groups. Another research result indicated that the families were also slightly less satisfied with their knowledge of specific family services as compared to their ability to ask or request for some of these services.

Therefore, the article indicates that families having members with a disability identified specific services that meet their needs for all family members, but some of these needs are not adequately addressed by the programs that have already been put up.


Baumbusch, J., Mayer, S., Phinney, A., & Baumbusch, S. (2017). Aging together: Caring relations in families of adults with intellectual disabilities. The Gerontologist, 57(2), 341-347.

Grossman, B. R., & Magana, S. (2016). Introduction to the special issue: Family support of persons with disabilities across the life course.

Lara, E. B., & de los Pinos, C. C. (2017). Families with a disabled member: impact and family education. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, 418-425.

Lawthers, A. G., Pransky, G. S., Peterson, L. E., & Himmelstein, J. H. (2003). Rethinking quality in the context of persons with disability. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 15(4), 287-299.

Zuna, N., Gracia, M., Haring, S. H., & Aguilar, J. M. (2016). Parental perceptions and satisfaction with family services in families of children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 41(3), 233-242.

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Annotated Bibliography Paper Sample on Families with a Disabled Member. (2022, Jun 24). Retrieved from

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