Free Essay: Application of My Personal Model (Servant Leadership Model) in Nursing Leadership

Published: 2022-09-26
Free Essay: Application of My Personal Model (Servant Leadership Model) in Nursing Leadership
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing leadership Servant leadership
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1396 words
12 min read

Servant leaders in the nursing profession achieve the desired results of their organizations by attending to the various needs of the people who they serve. Servant leadership in healthcare focuses on the strength of the nursing team, develops trust among the professionals and serves the needs of the patients. Through this model, a nurse servant leader pays attention to the needs of the other staff members and asks how he or she can help them solve the problems that surround them and at the same time promote their personal development (Trastek, Hamilton & Niles, 2014). Through these undertakings, the nurse servant leader works with the staff members to help meet the needs of the patients and helps in coaching the other nurses in their professional practice.

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The ability and desire to provide the services in the main motivator for one to seek a leadership role. A nurse servant leader usually has the desired characteristics that include; empathy, healing, persuasive, awareness, stewardship, conceptualization, foresight and commitment to the growth of the people. Servant leadership in nursing enables us to practice leadership without requiring to be in the spotlight. The emphasis is mainly placed on leading the other nursing staff while being unassuming which gives the opportunity to lead and let other people take the credit. This model stresses the significance of aspirations for the organization instead of the aspirations for individuals through humility, meaningful work experience and collaboration hence leading to positive results ((Trastek et al. 2014).

Servant Leadership Comparison To Other Models

Transactional Leadership

Transactional leadership is a format of management in which the leader enhances compliance of his or her followers via punishments or reward. Transactional leaders observe followers cautiously to implement rules, reward, success and punish failure. They focuses on retaining this momentum as they impose present-day regulations and expectations. These leaders do have a tendency of placing expectations and requirements that maximize the effectivity and productiveness of an organization. They have a tendency to provide constructive feedback related to followers' overall performance. This allows members to enhance their output to achieve higher remarks and reinforcement. This fashion of leadership management is effective in emergency outcomes and crisis. As well as when projects are expected to be carried out under specific regulations (Cummings et al. 2010)

Transformational leadership

In transformational leadership, the leader keeps the ego in check through self-management and has adaptability capacity to welcome new ideas as well as inspiring the followers and makes right decisions. This fashion is basically described as leadership through example. Followers see their leader's behaviours, and they are stimulated to change for the better. They see the tough work performed by their leaders as well as their own situation of their well-being. They function beyond all expectations due to the fact that they put in extra effort than usual. They no longer put themselves first as they put more importance on what is best for the organization. Leaders provide a clear imaginative and prescient of the future that motivates the group of workers contributors to exceed themselves. Old assumptions and traditions are puzzled to come up with novel thoughts of fixing issues greater effectively (Mohammad Mossadegh Rad & Hossein Yarmohammadian, 2006).

Democratic leadership

With this style, the crew is prompted to talk up and be a part of the decision-making process. The open conversation makes all group of workers sense that their voices matter. They are greater concerned about the matters that go on in the organization understanding that they can affect conditions if they act on them. Workers are given their own private duties and are in charge of accomplishing positive targets. They get remarks on their performance, which approves them to adjust if necessary. The focal point is on improving the first-class of the systems and processes, not on discovering blunders made by the man or woman group contributors.

Authoritarian leadership

This strategy is the contrary of the democratic fashion as the chief calls all the shots. Decisions are made unexpectedly barring any form of a session with the staff. All the strength is centred at the top, Men and women at the backside can solely follow. Those crew contributors who disagree and don't do as they are instructed are regularly punished to preserve them in line. Knowledge might also be kept in the arms of a few to hold the strength inside their ranks. When errors happen, authoritarians make an instance of the offenders by way of punishing them in front of their peers. The blame is always on the people no matter erroneous processes. On the other hand, this fashion may also be required in emergency conditions when speedy motion is necessary.

Laissez-faire leadership

In this style, very little supervision is exercised with the aid of the leaders. They decide upon to take a hands-off method to each day operations. They would as an alternative let patients do what they want to do on their own, possibly trusting that they will be capable to do properly besides guidance. While it does promote unbiased thinking, this strategy can have numerous negative consequences. Important selections are no longer made on time. Few changes ever manifest in the workplace. Quality enhancements happen only when the state of affairs begs for it. This style is frequently used via inexperienced leaders who are nonetheless learning, as properly as transitional managers who are actually waiting for anybody to exchange them.

The impact of leadership styles on patients outcome

A variety of studies have regarded the relationships between nursing leadership and the affected person outcomes. The effects are pretty fascinating, as they reveal precise hyperlinks between the two. For instance, transformational leadership was once related to decreased remedy blunders in the majority of the studies. It appears as even though matters are performed extra carefully inside the health facility when this method is taken. The fashion also used to be related to decreasing patient mortality in 1/2 of the studies. Patients in some way get higher care and treatment, which enable them to survive their ordeal. The relational kinds of management that consist of the service, transformation and collaborative patterns have a frequent impact on affected person satisfaction. People are commonly happier with the care that they receive for each acute care and home health care. Want for restraints is additionally lessened as sufferers are a lot extra cooperative with their nurses. In addition to the decrease incidence of medicinal drug errors, there are additionally fewer mentioned hospital-acquired infections. It also leads to job satisfaction and high satisfaction levels (Morrison, Jones & Fuller, 2017).

My Personal Model Follow The Lines Of Servant Leadership

As stated earlier, my personal leadership model follows the lines of servant leadership as I believe it is the best style to lead the nursing staff to ensure the better outcome of the patient. Servant leadership management has a high-quality contributor to a safer climate inside the hospital. It is related to decreased staff turnover when in contrast to the others. The nurses have been happier with their work and select to remain as a result. On the different hand, the transformational strategy has also proven to be successful in nursing leadership but has some limitations as it can result in wrong decisions and employee burn out. Nurses have been rapidly in a position to distinguish the difference between transformational and servant leadership. They would possibly be similar styles, however, the implementation and outcomes are divergent. Nurses have the desire of the servant leadership strategy as it promotes job satisfaction, growth and the desired patient outcomes (Parris & Peachey, 2013).


Cummings, G. G., MacGregor, T., Davey, M., Lee, H., Wong, C. A., Lo, E., ... & Stafford, E. (2010). Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: a systematic review. International journal of nursing studies, 47(3), 363-385.

Mohammad Mossadegh Rad, A., & Hossein Yarmohammadian, M. (2006). A study of the relationship between managers' leadership style and employees' job satisfaction. Leadership in Health Services, 19(2), 11-28.

Morrison, R. S., Jones, L., & Fuller, B. (2017). The relation between leadership style and empowerment on job satisfaction of nurses. Journal of nursing administration, 27(5), 27-34.

Parris, D. L., & Peachey, J. W. (2013). A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory in organizational contexts. Journal of business ethics, 113(3), 377-393.

Trastek, V. F., Hamilton, N. W., & Niles, E. E. (2014, March). Leadership models in health care-a case for servant leadership. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 89, No. 3, pp. 374-381). Elsevier.

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