Essay Sample on Candy-Case Study for a Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

Published: 2023-04-10
Essay Sample on Candy-Case Study for a Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Child development Disorder
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1039 words
9 min read

CF interferes with all the functions of exocrine in the body and results in lung complications or death at an adult age. Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic malfunction that attacks mostly the lungs but can as sometimes affect the liver, pancreas, and intestines of the victim. Its long-term effects include coughing mucus and breathing difficulties due to consistent lung infections. A mother who has given birth to a CF child can have as many children as she wishes but must choose options either to continue with the pregnancy and get ready for another child with CF bring to end the pregnancy with consultation from a professional healthcare officer (Kirk and Milnes, 2016). She can as well discuss with her partner, close friends, and counselors. Below is a case study of Cystic Fibrosis:

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Candy, my Nice, was born in September 1997, and after her, she had difficulty in gaining weight. At some point, she dropped to seven pounds from six pounds.

However, after her diagnosis in the hospital by healthcare providers, in the same year that is, 1997 when she was affected by bronchitis, we thought that maybe she had asthma even though my brother-in-law was already starting to suspect some signs and symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis as there was not any other explanation for the symptoms she displayed.

Finally, Candy was put under a "sweat test" and realized that she indeed had Cystic Fibrosis. Both her parents (Miriam and James) are CF carriers, and this is how their daughter Candy inherited the gene without their consent.

Hardly had Candy's Cystic Fibrosis been diagnosed (while approaching a year old) when the medical support came sprung up. The family of Candy held a meeting with members of the Cystic Fibrosis Team comprising of a nurse, a doctor, a physiotherapist, and a social worker.

Candy is now about five years old, but before leaving for school in the morning hours, she must have around 30 minutes of physiotherapy and inhalers. In every meal she takes, she must include "Creons," which helps her ion digestion. Candy has to consume high calorie and high-fat diet.

After every nine weeks, Candy has to be taken for Cystic Fibrosis clinic, and she experiences a specific bad infection; she must come to the hospital to seek for intra-venous antibiotics course. However, the risk of disease is often adverse; hence for the individual cubicles in the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic help to counter the threat of cross-infection, and the hygiene standards must be maintained.

Additionally, in the evening hours, Candy has another forty minutes of physiotherapy, inhalers, and nebulizers. She again must take different antibiotics, vitamins, and fluoride.

Even though all the medications above have side effects, Candy is somewhat hyperactive, feeling hot always, and this makes her quite a long time to start sleeping.

Unavoidably, these conditions have a significant impact on her family since each time they are on holiday; however brief it is, they must carry themselves with the equipment and drugs. Moreover, if they for nature walk, Candy's family duty of carrying physiotherapy every morning has to be done early enough and not stopping either out there.

An Explanation of Colic Disease

Baby colic is a situation where a child cries for more than three hours daily or more than three days or three weeks in a week and a month, respectively. According to (Lewandowska and Zych), the elements of colic are series crying for not less than three hours a day, four or more days weekly for infants or children within six months, and are somewhat healthy. The child begins a colic incident with paroxysmal (sudden cries), which often turns into a scream accompanied by facial grimacing, suggesting that the baby is in massive pain (Lewandowska and Zych, 2017). The cause of baby colic may be as a result of elbow flexion, clenched fists, or generalized musculature hypertonicity with stiff legs and knees drawn up.

Parenthood comes with many factors; it is believed that mothers who have never had cramps are likely to have colicky babies. However, there is still no clear consensus on the status surrounding the role of genetics in the disease. According to a Pregnancy Association from the US, colic can result from any overfeeding-sensitive temperament (Zeevenhooven et al., 2018). Therefore, out of the speculations, the parents' genes are still unlikely to be the cause of baby colic.

The physiologic response such as swollen belly, crying after eating, tasting salty and weight loss in colic babies may be as a result of dysfunction in the relationship between the infant and the mother or a complex environmental interaction with the baby or unfulfilled biological needs.

Colic in babies has nothing to do with gender and genetics. However, some researches indicate that older women have high chance of giving birth to colic babies. Still, the biological or intrinsic factors in infants and extrinsic physiological factors could help in the treatment of colic. The exact diagnosis depends on an organized and knowledgeable approach (O'Brien, 2019).


Kirk, S., & Milnes, L. (2016). An exploration of how young people and parents use online support in the context of living with cystic fibrosis. Health Expectations, 19(2), 309-321. Accessed:

Lewandowska, A., & Zych, B. (2017). Intestinal colic in newborn babies: incidence and methods of proceeding applied by parents. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 7(6), 63-76.Accessed:

Martinez-Inigo, L., Muhammad, A., Engelhardt, A., Pilot, M., & Majolo, B. (2017). Factors affecting outcome and intensity of intergroup encounters in crested macaques (Macaca nigra). Accessed:

O'Brien, K. F., Shah, S. D., Pope, E., Phillips, R. J., Blei, F., Baselga, E., ... & Treat, J. R. (2019). Late growth of infantile hemangiomas in children> 3 years of age: A retrospective study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 80(2), 493-499.

Pakhale, S., Baron, J., Armstrong, M., Tasca, G., Gaudet, E., Aaron, S. D., Balfour, L. (2016). Lost in translation? How adults living with Cystic Fibrosis understand treatment recommendations from their healthcare providers and the impact on adherence to therapy. Patient education and counseling, 99(8), 1319-1324. Accessed:

Zeevenhooven, J., Browne, P. D., L'Hoir, M. P., de Weerth, C., & Benninga, M. A. (2018). Infant colic: mechanisms and management. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 15(8), 479-496.

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Essay Sample on Candy-Case Study for a Cystic Fibrosis (CF). (2023, Apr 10). Retrieved from

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