Case Study: Models of Advocacy

Published: 2023-02-25
Case Study: Models of Advocacy
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Court system
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 986 words
9 min read

Peer advocacy, self-advocacy, and volunteer advocacy, as well as professional advocacy, present a series of models involved in advocacy. In the context of peer advocacy, a peer advocate with a similar experience of the situation is involved in the recommendation of a particular cause or policy. The recommendations are ideal in advocating the responsibilities and duties of the customer to ensure optimal service provision. On the other side of models, there is self-advocacy, which involves the civil rights movement for people with mental disabilities in the region. The development is also referred to as a developmental problem. The role of advocates in working with at-risk families includes reducing isolation cases of people with disabilities and provide them with chances or options that they can influence and take control of their lives. Speaking up for peers by providing information present the role of the advocate in dealing with at-risk youth or families in the region. The case study here analyses various types of models of advocacy.

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Advocating for Josie at the personal level will involve seeking and identifying key issues relating to the case, which covers advocacy at a personal level. At the professional level, advocating will involve the responsibilities and rights of Josie to take part in games participation. Key advocacy issues include emotional problems, mood disorders, and oppositional defiant disorder, as well as families' difficulties (Dobson, & Dobson 2018). The presented factors are critical issues in the context because they involve Josie's reaction in various areas, and the same elements minimize the chances of advocacy in the region. Family difficult is one of the key issues because it involves cultural considerations into account. In the context of oppositional defiant disorder, which plays an essential role in the behavioral disorder, family difficulties such as financial struggles influence the case; hence, one of the key issues presented. The concept of cultural aspect comes in because cultural beliefs influence advocacy and policy.

Changing stands related to culture (rules), understanding personal behavior from their perspectives as well as changing family perspective present a series of actions that can be done to address advocacy issues. Change in rules will address issues related to advocacy because people will understand the change in policy and embrace the idea of advocacy in the region (Hayes, & Hofmann 2018). Changing stands involves a change in culture stands, which will influence people and organizational committee stands related to behavioral changes among different people. Among the solutions provided, change in a culture influenced change in policy hence an essential role in embracing change. Understanding people from their point of perspective provides a solution to oppositional defiant disorder, which is part of behavioral disorder; hence, one of the three solutions. The final solution involves changing the family perspective on behavior, therefore, focusing on one problem, thus the solution to the behavioral problems related to Josie's condition.

Lack of dedicated funds and constraints, self-reflection, and relationship building cover a series of roadblocks that could occur along with the advocacy, especially in Josie's case. The roadblock involves perception from self-reflection in the context of physical appearance and mental capacity. Lack of dedicated funds and also constrains influence policy related to advocacy; hence, one of the dreadlocks in the region. Management of roadblock will be an ideal option in the region and influence how various advocacy will be conducted in the region (Silk et al., 2018). The greatest involve appearing in the cultural context hence an ideal section to focus on when dealing with people's behavioral changes, including oppositional defiant disorder. In the context of relationship building, the idea might be

Support persons with behavioral problems, Respect for others, fairness, and concern for others present a series of legal and ethical considerations relevant to this case. Teaching people and organizations to embrace the right for persons with mental and behavioral problems should address the issue in line. It is important to educate people facing challenges. On how to address legal and ethical issues related to this case, I will identify the problem from the first line and gather relevant data; this will help in the process of addressing the issues. The program model will also be essential in addressing these issues. The program model will involve four-part programs, which incorporate individual advice and representation, education, and community development. The program will involve addressing legal information, which is important in this context, especially in addressing issues.

To sum up, peer advocacy, self-advocacy, and volunteer advocacy present a series of basic models involved in advocacy. Each of the presented section focuses on advocacy issues related to people and families in the region. In the context of peer advocacy, a trained volunteer is employed since it is believed that he or she has the experience related to the matter. The roles of volunteers involve helping people with behavioral problems. Oppositional defiant disorder and family difficulties cover some of the key advocacy issues impacting the case. At the oppositional defiant disorder, Josie experiences the problem but is against the choice made regarding the behavior in the region, which is one of the key advocacy issues in this case. Educating people of their rights in matters with treatment is an ideal act of what should be done in this context. Educating victims will help them handle issues in the right manner, which involves the legal way.


Dobson, D., & Dobson, K. S. (2018). Evidence-based practice of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Guilford Publications.

Hayes, S. C., & Hofmann, S. G. (Eds.). (2018). Process-based CBT: The science and core clinical competencies of cognitive-behavioral therapy. New Harbinger Publications.

Silk, J. S., Tan, P. Z., Ladouceur, C. D., Meller, S., Siegle, G. J., McMakin, D. L., ... & Ryan, N. D. (2018). A randomized clinical trial comparing individual cognitive behavioral therapy and child-centered therapy for child anxiety disorders. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 47(4), 542-554.

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