Critical Appraisal

Published: 2018-01-30
Critical Appraisal
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Analysis Medicine
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 614 words
6 min read

JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist

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1. Yes.

The study was a retrospective design and the researchers employed purposeful random sampling as it utilized data from electronic medical records for patients who had been treated for a psychotic disorder (Patch, Knight, Phillips-McEnany, Chavas & Hawkins, 2014).

2. Yes

The patients were included on the basis of having schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder and psychotic disorder (Patch et al., 2-14). The must have received psychiatric medication for the conditions.

3. Yes

The author indicates that the age, sex, years on medication or the number of drugs taken were the confounding factors (Patch et al., 2-14). The author indicates that they used univariate models testing and multivariable model to deal with the confounding factors. The authors mentioned some of the confounding factors as the age and length of treatment as necessitating for more research demonstrating that they may not have been dealt with comprehensively during the study.

4. Yes

The article employed the WhtR and BMI measures to assess the outcomes.

5. Not Applicable

The study did not have comparison groups.

6. Not Applicable

The study was retrospective, so a follow-up was not required (Grove, 2013).

7. Not Applicable

The study utilized retrospective data, so none of the patients included withdrew (Grove, 2013).

8. Yes

The WhtR and BMI were robust in determining the risk for metabolic syndrome.

9. Yes

The study used Pearson correlation and Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) as the statistical measures yielding reliable results (Patch et al., 2-14). The two statistical measures were used to compare the relationship between WhtR and BMI among the patients included in the study.

Overall Appraisal

The title of the paper is adequate, informative and precise as it indicates the contents of the paper. The abstract provided is comprehensive and includes all the essential information to help the reader to understand the contents of the article (Chesnany, 2015). The references used by the authors are from reliable sources and majority are from peer reviewed journals. The article has well-organized the structure and maintains an adequate description for each component that is included (Grove, 2013). The authors also present their logic consistently and support it with reliable literature.

The introduction of the paper is concise and prepares the readers to understand the current issue regarding the problem being studied. The reasons for carrying out the research are well outlined in the study hence making the article more relevant to informing the process of adopting evidence-based care in psychiatric management (Grove, 2013). The methods that were utilized in the process of carrying out the research are also well outlined which is crucial in allowing another researcher to repeat the process and verify the results obtained.

The authors of the article were honest and declared if there any conflicting interests during the process of carrying out the study. The limitations of the research are also mentioned to to allow the readers to be able to comprehend the results of the study in the light of the challenges that the authors faced and how they managed to tackle the issues that emerged (Grove, 2013). The authors also appreciated the organizations and other parties that were instrumental in writing the research.

Overall, the article is original and provides results that are significant to the care of psychiatric patients (Chesnany, 2015). The article can be included in a literature review.


Chesnany, M. (2015). Nursing research using historical methods: Qualitative designs and methods in nursing. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Grove, S. (2013). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis and generation of evidence. St. Louis: Saunders/Elsevier.

Patch, M., Knight, M., Phillips-McEnany, G., Chavas, E., & Hawkins, D. (2014). A simple screening tool for metabolic syndrome risk in the psychiatric patient treated with antipsychotic medication. Clinical Nursing Studies, 3(2), 115-124.

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Critical Appraisal. (2018, Jan 30). Retrieved from

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