Elderly Healthcare Challenges in Chicago: Access and Coordination - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-05
Elderly Healthcare Challenges in Chicago: Access and Coordination - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Finance Society
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 945 words
8 min read

Inaccessibility of hospitals, treatment costs, traveling expenses, and the safety of the street is the leading obstacles when visiting a physician. The leading obstacles are attributed individually to low income, no secondary insurance, older age, and female sex. With the growing population, aging, and diversity, older adult patients can face obstacles to access to health care. "Elderly people" are generally known as individuals 65 and over. In science literature, cognitive decline, a natural aging mechanism is well known. According to that description, the United States was home to just over 30 million elderly, more than 12 percent of the overall US population of almost 252 million in 1987. Thinking skills, including vocabulary, are robust and can grow even with age. Others, including principles, memory, and processing pace, steadily decrease over time. Chicago ought to ensure that all elderly people freely access care coordination centers to have herd immunity.

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Health services personnel consist of all equipment, employees, infrastructure, finances, and anything else that can be used to deliver health services. The patient treatment has long been a scarce resource for which there is infinite demand. The allocation of resources among competing groups of persons or programs is therefore important. As with the health care demand, the level of the real use of a person facing illness might vary according to demand variables.

To avoid asthma and infections, change bedsheets periodically, and remove the possible source of dust and mold. Attach all the distributed rugs, since they might be slippery or due to their damaged edges. Many elderly people are unable to access care coordination centers due to their limited resources (Janevic et al., 2016). Chicago ought to ensure that all elderly people freely access care coordination centers to have herd immunity.

Care coordination programs are focused on integrating aged care and programs for complicated problems throughout the spectrum of treatment. Check coordination is tailored in consultation with the physicians of the patient to suit the needs of the patient. Health Coordinators in Chicago offer referral services to patients. Doctors are paid with arranging treatment facilities.

The interpersonal needs of people are evolving as time passes and life changes. As the elders mature, they feel a variety of feelings. The elderly remains emotionally tied to their relatives and friends. Solitude is one of the most significant emotions of an elderly citizen. Elders want a safe, worthy, economic, and, eventually, productive life. They are looking for treatment, affection, and beauty. Awareness of their wishes and interests will ensure their safe health.

Acts and safeguards for improving protection are steps to minimize risks related to older adults' health. This is a set of tools that allows Chicago to introduce and improve the quality of care efforts: the Society of Health Information and Management Programs. Popular safety acts include chemical analysis and destructive sample testing. Senior citizens of the family members are responsible for their social and emotional criteria. The goal is to take care of the needs of the elderly and provide them with the support they need without delay to enjoy one’s physical and mental well-being.

In four aspects of the system, access to elderly health services is inadequate: availability; appropriateness; affordability, and usability. The principal barriers listed are; the existing economic condition and retirement reforms; insufficient provision and rising primary care usage fees; poor architecture and inaccessibility of hospital service (Mays et al., 2016). Others include a lack of long-term facilities; rising prescription out-of-pocket payments; restrictions on exemption allowance; changes in non-emergent healthcare transport; and increased wait times for pharmaceuticals.

The purpose of care management is to ensure that healthcare programs both within and through networks are provided adequately and effectively. Corrective steps are likely to result from communication problems that impact the financial efficiency of the system. The healthcare changes introduce a part of an arrangement related to rising health gaps in the access of the elderly to health care. The bulk of the reactions show a shortage that is growing in Chicago. It collaborates with the various healthcare industries and interacts to provide the appropriate care.

A lack of funding in the area of healthcare has significant implications on patient outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness. The provision and increased utilization of services by the health sector are two methods that will satisfy the staff's demands and patients' needs (Rizzo, 2016). The coordination of treatment has positive outcomes; however, without the requisite supplies, Chicago finds it hard to provide professional facilities. The whole mechanism is therefore disrupted.


Conclusively, there should be a significant need to restructure the health care system to cater to the aged. Patients that have special health care needs ought to be integrated by several members, that offer information, skills, and services on an individual basis. The amount of care coordination required depends on a variety of factors, including the level of preparation, specific health needs, access to services such as secure accommodation and transport, and the level of clinical treatment provided at home. The implementation of staff engagement and coordination planning methods will increase access and efficiency of healthcare.


Janevic, M. R., Stoll, S., Wilkin, M., Song, P. X., Baptist, A., Lara, M., ... & Lesch, J. K. (2016). Pediatric asthma care coordination in underserved communities: a quasi-experimental study. American journal of public health, 106(11), 2012-2018.

Mays, J. A., Jackson, K. L., Derby, T. A., Behrens, J. J., Goel, S., Molitch, M. E., ... & Wallia, A. (2016). Evaluation of recurrent diabetic ketoacidosis, fragmentation of care, and mortality across Chicago, Illinois. Diabetes Care, 39(10), 1671-1676.

Rizzo, V. M., Rowe, J. M., Shier Kricke, G., Krajci, K., & Golden, R. (2016). AIMS: A care coordination model to improve patient health outcomes. Health & Social Work, 41(3), 191-195.

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