Essay Sample on Population-Based Care During COVID-19: Challenges and Administrative Healthcare Collaboration

Published: 2023-11-08
Essay Sample on Population-Based Care During COVID-19: Challenges and Administrative Healthcare Collaboration
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Public administration Covid 19
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1689 words
15 min read

Introduction and Description of the Project

The administrative collaboration project that I intend to implement and develop is population-based care in the hospital during COVID-19. The implementation process of collaborative care can be generally achieved through the application of the three traditional components. This can be modified using the health patterns and the distribution throughout the population of interest, relevant policies, and interventions together with the trends of the determinants of these outcomes. The collaborative healthcare project will assist the collaborative care along and the other health workers in making a clear focus and identifying the relevant policies and interventions that can help in improving the lifestyle of the patients in a COVID-19 hospital.

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The collaborative component of the project

The rapid knowledge growth, together with the increasing cost of healthcare has led to the collaboration of healthcare with the main aim of sharing knowledge and skills to improve the performance of the population-based care on COVID-19. Population-based care enables collaborative care teams to focus and identify patients who are responding poorly to their treatment and care while in the hospital setting and provide a discharge plan that patients and families can comply with post-discharge with follow-up and follow-up treatment. It is assumed that administrative collaborative healthcare functions in a more collaborative manner, and through this, they deliver healthcare more effectively and efficiently. However, the application of this kind of project has placed forth the requirement of interaction that has led to an increased focus on communication skills.

Target Audience of the Project

Administrative collaborative healthcare basically targets the patients and persons who are directly or indirectly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It works to give a detailed collaborated solution to this particular pandemic that has greatly affected the stability of the whole world.

The objective of the administrative health project

The purpose of the administrative health project is to characterize the qualitative and the quantitative nature of the interaction of and the relationship of the project in the training of the health officials on collaborative administrative health care that can be used to control and manage the patients at a COVID-19 hospital.

Development and implementation of the strategy

The most vital strategies that have been applied within the administrative healthcare collaboration tends to incorporate various classification of the patients into distinctive populations that can easily be handled. The essential strategy here revolves around classifying the patients into populations that can be managed together. It could be based on age, gender, and level of care, among other factors that may come into play. According to Tao (2020), the goal of our evidence-based guidelines is for patients to receive the right healthcare, in the right setting, at the right time, and with the proper treatment. Another strategy is training caregivers on the best approach to take in delivering services to COVID-19 patients. Clinicians should utilize prepared communication tools to help COVID-19 patients and their families with anticipatory guidance after discharge (Penn Medicine, 2020).

Another vital strategy that has been implemented by the administrative healthcare collaboration is the education of the patients and the general citizens on the transmission and preventive measures of the COVID-19 virus. Besides, learning should occur as early as possible in the patient's hospital course and throughout the hospitalization up to discharge. This will ensure that the spread of the COVID-19 virus is mitigated, which is the first team's goal.

Materials used in the project activity

The implementation of the collaboration project generally utilized the application of electronic technology. Financial aid was one of the most vital parts that assisted in the project development. The current state of the world is a diver stating situation that has been hit hard by the unseen enemy called the Coronavirus. Thus the project stands out to be one that can assist in the management of the current pandemic affecting the whole globe. We are living at a time when the 2019 novel coronavirus is ravaging the world. It is a pandemic that has hit us worldwide from all corners of the globe. Concerning this, the healthcare system globally has been sharply hit, thus calling for an administrative health collaboration to boost the fight against the coronavirus.

Healthcare facilities have been stretched, overwhelmed, and filled to capacity (Cohut, 2020). The need for this approach is to benefit both the patients and the staff within the organization, which has been amplified. Population-based care should help ease the burden on facilities and caregivers. According to Lutfiyya et al., (2019) the need for more research to measure the impact of collaborative practice and the care that is given to the patients and its outcomes helps to bring out its benefits. In addition, it also tends to explore the system, and models together with the nature of collaborations that improve population health and reduce the cost of care.

The collaboration of the healthcare system will also assist in the achievement of the research towards the management of the Coronavirus, which is vital at this particular time in world history. Therefore, my main concern in choosing this specific topic is to promote and assist in the fight against the coronavirus by applying administrative healthcare more so in the hospital under the COVID-19 performance to improve the recovery rate of the patients.

The evaluation method and outcome of the project

Within the application of administrative health care and the implementation of the problem based on medical education, a clear trend can be observed despite the focus on individual competency and commitment towards the administration health care project as a group entity. The implications that can result from collaborative administrative health care need to be identified so that the medical care given to COVID-19 patients can reflect the practices of the health care providers. This should be considered both at the individual and the group level. This approach tends to ensure that extensive research on the COVID-19 pandemic is done with individual expertise. Research and studies carried out indicate that experts always recognize the patterns of various diseases based on prior experiences.

The approach entails applying the clinical context that studies the medical diagnosis reasoning, and this is capable of helping speed up the research in a bid to find the solution to the COVID-19 pandemic. In collaborative healthcare administration, there are essential elements of research and guidelines to follow as evidence. Nguyen (2017) suggests that teamwork, population focus, evidence-based care, and measurement are fundamental principles of ensuring the approach is successful. The COVID-19 patient population is handled by a team of medical professionals using the World Health Organization guidelines. This approach ensures that they act according to available evidence to deliver the best care possible. All treatment guidelines are in line with WHO and CDC recommendations.

Other evidence includes healthcare models and public health collaborations focusing on the following: coordination of healthcare, applying clinical practice, identifying community health problems, and providing health promotion and health protection (Shahzad et al., 2019). Patient outcomes for healthcare and treatment should be measured to support evidence. According to the National Institute of Health (2020), goals of care must be assessed when the patient is admitted and is essential, regardless of the availability of resources, the patient's age, or the patient's comorbid conditions.

Challenges encountered with the strategy

The administrative healthcare collaboration application has encountered various challenges, ranging from the rate of infection to the recovery rate of the patients, and the financial and physical damages that the pandemic has caused to the global community.

Several challenges have come up, including differences in recovery times of patients within the same care population and constructing individualized care that has to be delivered. Currently, there is no definitive treatment or vaccine for COVID-19. Therefore, the only proven form of management is isolation and supportive care (Sharma, 2020).

Readmissions of the patients within the hospitals are also another challenge that requires reorganization of care and providing medical equipment and placement issues. A third challenge is the recovery time, hence demoralizes the population due to limited visitor arrangements, visitation times, and treatment modalities. A fourth challenge is that the virus is still profoundly misunderstood and misinformation in the media. Even though health information is increasingly accessible in our digital world, it is challenging to determine if news from mass media or social media outlets can be trusted (Tao, 2020). Regardless of these challenges, patients and families should have a good understanding of the patient's treatment and care plan, decisions made by the healthcare providers, and information to care for the patient and a safe home environment.

The other pressing challenge that has been posed by COVID-19 is the effect that the pandemic is having on the financial and economic status of the world. Thus, the administrative healthcare collaboration team takes it as a responsibility to look for ways through which the financial situation can be improved globally amidst the pandemic's existence. The lockdown of various cities and countries and the self-quarantine system has dramatically affected business operation throughout the world, leading to wanting financial conditions globally.


Penn Medicine. (2020, April 15). A Rapid Guidance Summary from the Penn Medicine Center for Evidence-based Practice. University of Pennsylvania Health System | Penn Medicine.

Sharma SK, Nuttall C, Kalyani V; Hemlata. Clinical nursing care guidelines for the management of patients with COVID-19. J Pak Med Assoc. 2020;70(Suppl 3)(5): S118-S123. doi:10.5455/JPMA.29

Tao, L. (2020, April 30). Evidence-based guidance for COVID-19 patients. MCG Health. evidence-based-guidance-COVID-19-patients

Shahzad, S M., Upshur, R., Donnelly, P., Bharmal, A., Wei, X., Feng, P., & Brown, A. D. (2019). A population-based approach to integrated healthcare delivery: A scoping review of clinical care and public health collaboration. BMC Public Health, 19(1).

National Institute of Health. (2020, June 25). Care of Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19. COVID-19 treatment Guidelines | Disease COVID-19.

Cohut, M. (2020). The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on primary healthcare worldwide. Retrieved 9 July 2020, from

Lutfiyya, M. N., Chang, L. F., McGrath, C., Dana, C., & Lipsky, M. S. (2019). The state of the science of interprofessional collaborative practice: A scoping review of the patient health-related outcomes-based literature published between 2010 and 2018. PLOS ONE, 14(6), e0218578.

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Essay Sample on Population-Based Care During COVID-19: Challenges and Administrative Healthcare Collaboration. (2023, Nov 08). Retrieved from

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