Essay on Evaluating Healthcare Programs: Hand Hygiene Policy

Published: 2023-10-28
Essay on Evaluating Healthcare Programs: Hand Hygiene Policy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Healthcare policy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1108 words
10 min read

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation.

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The healthcare program I have selected is the hand hygiene policy since following a cautious evaluation of various diverse schemes. Hand hygiene continued fusing out to me as the most essential and most significant when it comes to patient care and, eventually, patient outcomes. This plan can as well help the entire healthcare experts with the proficiency and be familiar with their task no matter what facility they are functioning from, sanatorium, and society.

Description. The entire healthcare employees who come into contact with patients should discern how to execute hand sanitation. Therefore, contact with patients embraces directly or indirectly throughout the apparatus or the surroundings. Hand hygiene is critical to the protected and hygienic liberation of patient protection. Hand Hygiene can as well "build or fracture" the result of the patient's healthcare. With this particular healthcare strategy at the workplace, the entire healthcare personnel gets requisite to exercise hand hygiene performs according to the "5 instants of hand hygiene values." They must relate these to their day by day job setting and workday. The five moments of hand sanitation standards affirm that a healthcare employee must:

  1. Before patient contact.
  2. Before a process.
  3. Following an operation or connection with body liquefied disclosure threat.
  4. After patient contact.
  5. Following contact with the patient's environment.

Additional safety measures too got incorporated in the policy, which comprises not only the five moments of hand hygiene. But as well probing the fingernails to make sure they are short and hygienic, examining the hands for incises, scrapes, scratches, and hangnails, and eliminating charms from the sides and forearms.

How was the success of the program or policy measured?

There are various means that this policy got deliberated all through the sanatorium background. There is assessment information that is scuttled weekly concerning disease proportions all over the infirmary. These ratios got observed strictly, and if there is a prickle or alterations, then there is a packed-on analysis as to the source origin. Executives on the department moreover guarantee that every worker does yearly conformity exercise with this policy.

How many people were reached by the program or policy selected? How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?

The hand hygiene plan strictly contacts everybody in healthcare and is concerned with patient care because this is the number one means to avert illness in our patients. Through this hand, hygiene plan, in particular, for my sickbay, each person is pretentious. Since each one working with the sanatorium is mutually in straight contact with the patient or they are in touch with the provisions that will be in association with the patient, they are required to pursue the hand cleanliness strategy. Contamination speeds have radically reduced with the realization of this policy. The declaration that everybody will trail this policy is vital in maintaining the principles of hospitals obtained illnesses at the smallest amount.

What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?

The appraisals that the infirmary runs as an entire that follows contaminations, purposely hospital-acquired illnesses, are how they gather information and perform the policy assessment. The testing that every member of staff is obligatory to perform at their engage time and annually is a different technique for the hospital to accomplish policy appraisals. Evaluating and contrasting these proportions and outcome is how they can perceive how excellent the sickbay is responsible.

What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?

Some penalties can transpire if this hand hygiene policy got not pursued when functioning in healthcare surroundings. First, patient care and patient protection can cooperate. The increase of disease to a person and further patients on the components right through the hospital is an elevated danger if an individual does not practice the hand sanitation policy.

What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.

In my opinion, I suppose that the patients that the healthcare employees are taking care of and treating would profit the majority from the consequences and exposure of the policy assessment. Secondly, the sickbay departments would assist in the crash of the fulfillment appraisals of this policy to observe how they perform to avert diseases all over the grouping. If this were somewhat that fosters and CNA’s were extra conscious of on my division, there would be enhanced conformity and superior patient results. There are symbols throughout the collection, repeating to inhabitants to clean their hands, especially with segregation rooms. However, this does not necessarily signify that everybody trails the five treads. Creating a delicate consciousness of the endings and punishments of not following this policy could enhance the optimistic patient conclusions as a complete.

Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?

Sanatorium that I labor for has a scanty contamination pace and a squat hospital-acquired infectivity speed, so I would articulate that the policy does convene the unique aim and objectives.

Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?

The policy is, at present, executed in my workplace. I reflect that a hand cleanliness policy such as this one ought to be realized in each sickbay, institution, or wherever also where healthcare experts take care of patients. Employing this strategy in all healthcare locations would maintain illness ratios and increase infectivity at a squat and continue patients' results advanced.

Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after one year of implementation.

Fosters are the mainly well-known patient activists of every part of the healthcare personnel implicated in the patient care arrangement. There are numerous customs that harbors can be incorporated into this particular policy accomplishment and assessment. First stale, the nurses can create sure that they, as nurtures, are making certain that the supporters and anybody as well that comes inside or outside of the patient temporary housing are conducting hand sanitation as they must. As fosters, mostly accuse nurtures, we can glance at the consequences of the contamination inspections on our selective division each day to guarantee that we are doing all we can to avert other illness or sickness.

General Notes/Comments It is essential to guarantee that understanding strategies and surviving through them every day when operational in healthcare.


Gould, D. J., Creedon, S., Jeanes, A., Drey, N. S., Chudleigh, J., & Moralejo, D. (2017). Impact of observing hand hygiene in practice and research: a methodological reconsideration. Journal of hospital infection, 95(2), 169-174. https://_Impact_of_observing_hand_hygiene_in_practice_and_research_A_methodological_reconsideration

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Essay on Evaluating Healthcare Programs: Hand Hygiene Policy. (2023, Oct 28). Retrieved from

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