Free Paper Sample on The Opioid Epidemic

Published: 2023-11-26
Free Paper Sample on The Opioid Epidemic
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Medicine Drug Social issue
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 414 words
4 min read


The opioid epidemic or the opioid crisis are terms that have been trending in the news. The opioid epidemic majorly refers to the increasing number of hospitalization and deaths from opioids, including analogs, illicit drugs, and prescriptions. In recent years America has faced several deaths of around 40000 in a year. Therefore, this reflection paper aims to reflect the ideas found in the video of the American epidemic-opioid epidemic. From this reflection paper, some of the critical areas to be discussed include the Americans' inability to withstand the effects of this hostile environment, challenges identified, and the reactions from the viewed video.

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Primary Character

The primary character addressed of being addicted to opium in the video is joseph murphy, the husband to Stephanie. His father terms him as a mad man since he walked his mouth wide open. North America is among the massive areas of the opioid misuse epidemic. Some of the challenges experienced include prescribing practices and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) infrastructure and cost (Kaplan, 2018). The prescription practices and pharmaceutical advertising have contributed mainly to the opioid epidemic. There is a prescription guideline to help reduce opioid usage. The other challenge experienced is inadequate MAT infrastructure to enhance delivery and treatment. Some of the marginalized areas undergo several challenges to being given MAT. Some of the significant factors that have resulted in the vulnerability of the population in America include the history of opioid abuse, childhood neglect or abuse, and the impulse and sensation seeking (Wall Street Journal, 2017). The primary reaction identified after watching the video is that the opioid epidemic is not a one-person problem, but everybody should take the initiative to beat it (Barglow ,2018). Understanding the dangers, symptoms and the signs of opioid abuse help save the life of a person.


To sum up, the video favorably changed the thoughts towards the topic discussed since opioid abuse has resulted in several deaths to America's people. To reduce the American population's vulnerability, there should be education and training of opioid users, registration and usage of state prescription nursing programs, and supporting comprehensive treatment for pain and opioid use ailments.


Barglow, Peter. “Commentary: The Opioid Overdose Epidemic: Evidence-Based Interventions.” The American Journal on Addictions, vol. 27, no. 8, 12 Oct. 2018, pp. 605–607, 10.1111/ajad.12823.

Kaplan, Louise. “Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder.” The Nurse Practitioner, Dec. 2018, p. 1, 10.1097/00006205-900000000-99727. Accessed 28 Aug. 2019.

Wall Street Journal. "American Epidemic: The Nation's Struggle With Opioid Addiction." YouTube, 3 Jan. 2017,

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