Essay Sample on Leadership and Influence Leading and Managing People

Published: 2019-06-06
Essay Sample on Leadership and Influence Leading and Managing People
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1637 words
14 min read

Leadership is a critical role within organizations, and it is essential for people in the leadership position to be the role model in the workplace to be an influencing force in leading and managing their constituents. Leaders ought to know how to understand their employees at the workplace to be able to establish a good relationship with them so as to develop a strategize method aimed at influencing their choices and demands. Leaders are supposed to be eloquent, expressive and commanding in their communication to control their workers easily within their respective job places. Leaders can employ one-way communication to influence their workers, which can be a short term one-way communication dealing with one employee at a time and controlling on their choices, or they can utilize extensive two-way communication to influence on the entire staffs.

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Leaders ought to be credible in their modes of influencing their employees, to establish a sense of respect, by being exemplary in what they do. Being the role model in all organisational aspects is essential in influencing the perceptions of his constituents, hence limiting certain behaviours from being perceived differently among the employees. Leaders to be able to have the will to influence their multitudes, they are supposed to be in their first class of doing things, as they are the mirror of the organisation, and each employee look closely upon them to ensure they meet their targets prior of pushing others to attain theirs. They are supposed to meet the demands of their multiple constituents by being competence, trustworthiness and dynamism.

Leaders should be able to negotiate for their organisation needs to ensure a win-win situation, by coming up with wise judgements that will not encourage unethical behaviours. In case of an issue, leaders ought to have problem-solving techniques, by separating the person from the problem, focus on the interest of the organisation and have the ability to defend the organisation positions at all costs.

According to my results, it is evident that leadership is an all-around kind of an affair which calls upon people in such position to be able to have a cordial working relationship with their constituents, by learning them, understanding their needs, goals and vision and always be there to defend their positions in order to secure the image of the organisation. My results identify leaders as the influential masterpiece of the different organisation. This is because, leaders are supposed to act as role models within their working places. They should let their action speak for them, and always be clear from controversies that are instrumental in bringing conflict within the organisation. Leaders are supposed to practice what they preach to have the power to influence on their constituents. They are supposed to be friendly, team players and have the ability to solve problems within their workplaces.

For leaders to be able to improve on the areas they feel they are performing below par in their workplaces, they should be ready to accept critics when they do not live to their expectations. Leaders should not hold malice or grudges if corrected. Instead, they should exhibit friendly and teamwork abilities necessary for the success of the organisation. Leaders should not use their powers to influence their decisions, but rather should enhance the will of the people to prevail at all costs.


A charismatic leader is a remarkable leader who has the power to impact on their followers, groups, organisations and societies in a positive way to enable them to increase profitability at their respective workplaces. Charismatic leaders can be also viewed as transformational leaders, who possess transformational attributes that are essential in bringing out significant changes within individuals and organisations, although the two kinds of leaders possess varying qualities. Charismatic leaders are more personal centred; they are power seldom and can either be ethical or unethical. Transformational leadership, on the other hand, is group centred, success is upon personal behaviours, not personal qualities and they are prescriptive.

Charismatic leaders are believed to be assertive and they exert more influence on their constituents. This is because; they possess higher standards of self-confidence as they communicate high expectations of the organisation symbols, visions shared goals and identity and they assume risks and sacrifice for the sake of the organisation. Charismatic leaders being self-centered, they possess power attributes and have higher vulnerabilities to influence others within their workplaces. This they achieve through coercive means whereby they affect their employees workability by coercing them to do better. They reward positive attributes within their constituents by identifying their roles in the success of the organisation. They utilise their power and leadership experts to exert a zeal for success among their workers.

Charismatic leaders according to my results are viewed as being more personal centred possessing personal attributes of having power. They view themselves as superior and can use the power within their grasp to achieve own personal objectives or the objectives of the organisation, which to a greater extent can affect the workability of an organisation. Charismatic leaders always act outside the formal power structure; therefore they can either act on ethical or unethical grounds, which is not good for the success of the organisation. Charismatic leadership environment is more likely to be full of crises and uncertainty. This is because, the power seldom nature of these leaders make them not to be good team player and, therefore, are not able to understand the needs and wants of their constituents, hence making the organisation prone to crises at different levels of its productivity.

To improve their low scores in leadership qualities, charismatic leaders are supposed to be inclusive and exercise their power to enhance teamwork and equality within their working places. They are supposed to use their power to increase workability for the greater benefit of the organisation, rather than their personal gains. They should be the role models within their working places, by enhancing ethical behaviours, through practising what they preach.


Leadership in organisation entails working for the greater good of the people who form the working population of the organisation. Leaders in an organisation context are supposed to coordinate critical activities that govern the success and smooth running of the organisation. They are supposed to frame the goals and objectives of the organisation to be social, structured and interconnected to the employees goals and visions, so as to promote a sense of belonging among the employees. Leadership within the organisation should have the ability to exercise influence over how events are understood within the business environment they are in. They should be opportunistic and having the skills to grab an opportunity within their grasps. They should know their communication styles, and use it to their advantages at all times.

Leaders within organisational setting should exercise good attention-seeking qualities, by ensuring that they know what their employees wants and always be there to work for their general good. They should defend the organisation goals and objectives during critical incidences. Allocate needed resources that are detrimental in the growth and success of the organisation. Leaders in an organisational context are expected to carry themselves with lots of decorum, to be exemplary in their positions, so as to exhibit role model qualities necessary for influencing others to work for the companys profitability. Leaders in an organisation should enhance good working and ethical characteristics, by rewarding good deeds and punishing unethical characters within the organisation to set standards necessary for the success of the organisation. Good leaders are those that are quick learners, and can easily adapt to changes in the business environment with ease. They should be able up to date with current trends, hence being able to acquire new knowledge and using the information to modify behaviours among their constituents. They should be critical in passing vital information to their workers, to ensure that they learn about the changes within their production area.

The result of this article reveals that leaders within the organisational context are supposed to be intelligent with vast of experience about their business environment to enable them to know the terrain they are in so as to enhance productivity. They are supposed to instil a culture of productivity among his constituents, by instilling the virtue of trust among the employee. Good leaders within the organisational context are the one who create a sense of belonging among workers, by enhancing competence within the workplaces, enhancing openness and honesty among the workers to create a sense of oneness within their different production areas. Good leaders within the organisation should be at the forefront to fight for matters concerning their employees. They should ensure their employees are well secured from any risks, thus making them be part and parcel of the organisation. Good leaders within the organisation should be reliable and being able to identify issues that are essential for the success of the organisation.

Leaders within organisational context possessing low scores can improve and build on their strengths through enhancing proper planning and decision making techniques, which can be achieved through the help of another employee within the organisation. This can come forth when a leader has good rapport with his constituents, and knows their demands and being ready to work for their course. They are supposed to enhance human networks through setting up agendas for the success of the organisation. This can be achieved through staffing and organising their workers depending with their skills and qualifications. They should be at ease to exercise influence for the good of the organisation. This can be achieved through promoting good vices and punishing bad vices to set standards necessary for the growth and success of the organisation. Finally, leaders within organisation context are supposed to be the pace setters in all mannerism and workability to be influential in their aspects of organisational productivities.

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