Medical Terminology: Essential for Healthcare Professionals - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
Medical Terminology: Essential for Healthcare Professionals - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 620 words
6 min read

Medical terminology is essential to any person working in the healthcare field. It is used to describe a patient's symptoms, make diagnoses, and perform specific tests. One of the benefits of medical terminology is the creation of a standardized language for physicians (Rose et al., 2018). This language allows medical staff to communicate efficiently and understand each other. Through standardized language, the team can save time by ensuring they do not have to explain the complex medical condition in plain language. According to Derevianchenko et al. (2018), standard terms help doctors and nurses understand the patient's health and complex information to provide an accurate diagnosis. Through standardized terms, healthcare professionals can also determine why the patient is in hospital; look for solutions to help the patient, and identify treatment recommendations based on the patient’s condition (Rose et al., 2018).

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Other than standardized language, medical terminology provides easy documentation and communication. Medical terminology uses abbreviations and terms that can be easily written down. They are mainly used in a fast-paced environment. Healthcare providers handle many patients every day, and since medical terms are standard, the abbreviations will be used to communicate (Rose et al., 2018). Other medical practitioners can understand those abbreviations.

Additionally, medical terminology helps practitioners avoid errors from poor communication or documentation. It ensures that medical professionals can accurately review a patient’s medical history and beginning diagnosis and treatment procedures. Failure to communicate appropriately or document patients' healthcare records may get the physicians into trouble and compromise the health of a patient (Derevianchenko et al., 2018). Medical terms help describe the patient’s medical history through healthcare records. Should the patient needs more care, these records inform doctors about the details that can help diagnose the patient more accurately and provide suitable treatments.

For instance, if a doctor is aware of the patient's full medical history, including prior conditions or procedures, they prescribe a safe, effective treatment. Confusing the terminology, putting the wrong procedure or condition into the chart can change the entire care received by the patient (Rose et al., 2018). This problem can endanger the life of the patient. One small mistake in healthcare can make a big difference. Without a proper understanding of the terms, a person can give the wrong medication or provide the right medicines incorrectly. Lack of understanding of medical terms also makes it difficult for an individual to order the right test (Derevianchenko et al., 2018). Understanding them reduces the possibility of a clinical mistake.

Another benefit is improved patient experiences. When all medical professionals understand the terms, they can help the patient understand their meaning. Patient education improves patient participation in the care team, resulting in improved satisfaction (Derevianchenko et al., 2018). Besides, knowing medical terminology help nurses avoid coding or billing mistakes that a patient may be forced to call to correct.

Overall, understanding and using appropriate medical terminology saves time and reduces misdiagnosis and misunderstandings among physicians. Standard terms are used to ensure healthcare professionals understand entirely patient's health needs. Therefore, professionals in the healthcare field should know all medical terms to improve patient safety, patient experiences, and effective care. Medical terms also assist with the treatment plan and help understand the patient's presence in the hospital.


Derevianchenko, N., Lvtovska, O., Diurba, D., & Leshchyna, I. (2018). Impact of the medical terminology on patients' comprehension of healthcare. Georgian Medical News, 284 (12), 159-163. Retrieved from:

Rose, J. S., Hogan, W. R., Levy, B., Marshall, P., Thomas, D. R., & Kirkley, D. (2018). Common medical terminology comes of age, Part One: Standard language improves healthcare quality. Journal of Healthcare Information Management, 15 (3), 307-318. Retrieved from:

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Medical Terminology: Essential for Healthcare Professionals - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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