Free Essay: My Response to Antony on a Therapeutic Recreation Program Plan

Published: 2022-03-14
Free Essay: My Response to Antony on a Therapeutic Recreation Program Plan
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Health and Social Care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 875 words
8 min read

1.What type of assessment information will you need to recommend a therapeutic recreation program plan for Todd?

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I agree with Anthony's response to the question. The best way to recommend a therapeutic recreation program plan for Todd would be to conduct a diagnostic assessment on them. This would involve discovering Todd's history of recreation by a physician and piecing together all the evidence to offer a reliable recommendation.

This response coincides with my response, and I agree.

2.Assuming you agree that increasing Todd's repertoire of leisure skills is a desirable outcome of his participation in a therapeutic recreation program, you will need to know more about his current level of functioning. Identify questions you would like to have answered in these areas:

I agree with the response. The questions that Anthony asks are very vital in increasing Todd's repertoire of leisure skills through his participation in a therapeutic recreation program. This reply coincides with my reply. For instance, Anthony would seek to know the physical domain of Todd, his strength, and fitness.

3.Is evaluation of Todd's home and Center environments important in this situation? If yes, what do you want to know about these environments?

Yes. I agree with the response given by Anthony. The evaluation of patients home and Center environments are important in this situation. This answer coincides with my response and is correct.

4.What would you do during an on-site assessment visit to Todd's home and Center?

I agree with Anthony's reply. Observing would be the best way to learn much about Todd's home and how he interacts with everybody around.

This answer does not coincide with your response; I disagree with your response since asking questions about religion would not give you enough space to evaluate Todd's behavior at home.

5.Do you think there are additional reasons for Todd's disruptive behavior? If so, identify these reasons and discuss other possible desired outcomes of his participation in a TR program

Yes. I agree with Anthony's response. There could be other reasons for Todd's disruptive behavior.

This answer coincides with your answer very well.I agree with both responses since Todd's disruptive behavior could be caused by other reasons such as genetic reasons.

6.Develop a list of Todd's strengths, areas of need, and interests. Identify behaviors that need remediation or improvement for effective leisure functioning to occur.

I agree with Antony's response regarding the list. The behaviors that need improvement for Todd are most likely to be disruptive/aggressive behaviors towards others, periods of yelling, and interpersonal aggression.

The answer is similar to your answer which is equally correct. I agree with both answers.

My response to Megan

1.What type of assessment information will you need to recommend a therapeutic recreation program plan for Todd?

I agree with Megan's response to the question. The best way to recommend therapeutic recreation program plan for Todd would be to conduct a diagnostic assessment on them. This would involve discovering Todd's history of recreation by a physician and putting together all the evidence to offer a reliable recommendation.

This response coincides with my response, and I agree.

2.Assuming you agree that increasing Todd's repertoire of leisure skills is a desirable outcome of his participation in a therapeutic recreation program, you will need to know more about his current level of functioning. Identify questions you would like to have answered in these areas:

I agree with the response. The questions that Anthony asks are very vital in increasing Todd's repertoire of leisure skills through his participation in a therapeutic recreation program. This reply coincides with my reply. For instance, Anthony would seek to know the physical domain of Todd, his strength, and fitness.

3.Is evaluation of Todd's home and Center environments important in this situation? If yes, what do you want to know about these environments?

Yes. I agree with the response given by Megan. The evaluation of patients home and Center environments are important in this situation. This answer coincides with my response and is correct.

4.What would you do during an on-site assessment visit to Todd's home and Center?

I agree with Megan's reply. Observing would be the best way to learn much about Todd's home and how he interacts with everybody around.

This answer does not coincide with your response; I disagree with your response since asking questions about religion would not give you enough space to evaluate Todd's behavior at home.

5.Do you think there are additional reasons for Todd's disruptive behavior? If so, identify these reasons and discuss other possible desired outcomes of his participation in a TR program

Yes.I agree with Anthony's response. There could be other reasons for Todd's disruptive behavior.

This answer coincides with your answer very well. I agree with both responses since Todd's disruptive behavior could be caused by other reasons such as genetic reasons.

6.Develop a list of Todd's strengths, areas of need, and interests. Identify behaviors that need remediation or improvement for effective leisure functioning to occur.

I agree with Megan's response regarding the list. The behaviors that need improvement for Todd are most likely to be disruptive/aggressive behaviors towards others, periods of yelling, and interpersonal aggression.

The answer is in line with your answer which is correct. I agree with both responses.

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Free Essay: My Response to Antony on a Therapeutic Recreation Program Plan. (2022, Mar 14). Retrieved from

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