Organ Donation - Exploration Paper Sample

Published: 2023-12-27
Organ Donation - Exploration Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Psychology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 855 words
8 min read


Organ donation is a medical procedure that entails the removal and placement of an organ(s) from a donor to a recipient. Organ donation is done to replace a body organ that is missing or damaged. Donors can be family or friends, or they can be outsourced. Successfully transplanted organs include the uterus, heart, pancreas, intestine, liver, thymus, and kidneys. Kidneys are the most frequently transplanted organs in the world. Besides, with advancements in health technology, tissues such as heart valves, tendons, veins, bones, and cornea have also been successfully transferred. The most commonly transplanted tissues include cornea and musculoskeletal grafts. For the last two decades, organ transplantation has increased significantly, providing good outcomes among kids and young adults (Linden). However, it has proven challenging among the elderly because they are prone to comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

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History of Organ Donation

Researchers and scientists conducted experiments in vain about organ transplantation on both animals and people in the eighteenth century. Nevertheless, by the mid-20th century, scientists had found a breakthrough, and they conducted successful organ transplants. Vital medical innovations such as immunosuppressant drugs and tissue typing gave room for the transplantation of many organs and increased survival chances for patients. One of the significant developments in the organ donation field was the innovation of immunosuppressants by Jean Borel in the 1970s. The first successful human organ transplant was that of the kidney, which was performed in 1954. Furthermore, pancreas, liver, and heart transplants were successfully done by the late 1960s, while other organ transplant procedures, including lungs and intestines, began in the 1980s.

Impact of Organ Donation on Survivors

Organ transportation is vital since it assists survivors to live healthier and more productive lifestyles. Patients with complicated organ failures are at a significant risk of succumbing to their condition. Nonetheless, such patients have a chance of lengthening their lifespan through organ transplants enabling them to have a well-improved lifestyle. Besides, with the death of a patient who could be aided through an organ transplant comes grief and turmoil among family members and friends. Organ transplantation is vital since it offers help to such patients and provides hope to the surrounding members of the patient.

However, organ transplants are exorbitant and require money and resources to actualize successfully. Many families have gone bankrupt while supporting their patients to undergo organ transplants. Furthermore, other survivors struggle with the guilt of depriving the donor's organ, leading to the development of self-esteem issues and other health problems resulting in psychological distress and anxiety. Additionally, postoperative delirium is likely to occur during the first days of transplantation. During this phase, a patient can experience symptoms like language disturbances, mental confusion, delusions, and hallucinations episodes. These symptoms are saddening and terrifying to survivors and their relatives. In some cases, mild brain dysfunctions can attack patients from an operation or intensive care patients (Ghorbani et al.). These problems are caused by corticosteroids, which are administered for immune suppression.

Moreover, survivors face many health complications because of the stress and non-adherence they underwent, leading to re-transplantation, and common comorbidities, which intrude on the survivor's life quality. Patients with infections like chronic kidney, oncological diseases, adiposities, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and osteoporosis experience comorbidities. Patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs experience neurotoxic side effects and neurological symptoms such as delirium and sleeplessness. They can also experience psychiatric symptoms such as depression, psychosis, and agitation (Horton et al.).

My Position on Organ Donation

My view on organ donation is that it is crucial and life-saving. However, the government and non-governmental organizations should boost the health sector concerning organ donation matters since only the high class have access to adequate facilities that offer organ transplants. The government can also create awareness in the public on the importance of organ donation and how it can save and improve an individual’s life. Many patients need organ transplantation, and the organs available can satisfy this demand. According to the Organ Procurement of Transplantation Network (OPTN), 21 people in the United States lose their lives each day while waiting for an organ donation. Transplantation centers should also improve the donor's mental state and health before transplantation.


In conclusion, organ donation has evolved over the past two decades. Organ donors now aid in saving and improving the lives of those who need organ donation. As much as organ donation comes with positive impacts, there is a need to address how it affects donors and survivors negatively, such as stressors after implantation, psychosocial adaptation, and psychological disorders. Creating awareness about organ donation is very important to donors, recipients, and their families.

Works Cited

Ghorbani, F., et al. "Causes of family refusal for organ donation." Transplantation proceedings. Vol. 43. No. 2. Elsevier, 2018.

Horton, Raymond L., and Patricia J. Horton. "Knowledge regarding organ donation: Identifying and overcoming barriers to organ donation." Social science & medicine 31.7 (1990): 791-800.

Linden, Peter K. "History of solid organ transplantation and organ donation." Critical care clinics 25.1 (2019): 165-184.

OPTN. “Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Policies and Reports.” Organ Donor,, 29 Oct. 2019,

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