Organization Culture - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-12-25
Organization Culture - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Management Organizational culture
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1196 words
10 min read


The strategic cycle is a set of activities that an organization undertakes to situate itself in a better market position to compete with other firms (Bright and Anastasia, 1). The cycle provides a framework the company uses in coordinating its resources in achieving its ambitions. The actions taken under these activities are very crucial for the success of the organization. The strategic cycle is relevant in the organization's growth because it provides a means through which the organization can achieve its success. The strategic cycle framework comprises several units or activities that provide the guidelines to be followed by the organization (Bright and Anastasia, 1). Through the various activities in the cycle, the organization develops ways to improve its performance in producing high-quality products.

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Strategic Cycle

The organization's missions and vision in the strategic cycle are crucial in providing the necessary guidance on what the business hopes to achieve. The mission and vision statements in the strategic cycle help the management remain focused on achieving it. Strategic analysis is crucial in providing the management with the information they can use in the decisions they make to ensure success in the process. The Strategic analysis in the strategic cycle helps management determine whether the resources available will be enough to achieve the set goals (Bright and Anastasia, 1). Organization objectives and goals are very important in helping the management understand what it wants to achieve. The activities in the measuring and evaluation stage of the strategic cycle help the organization management to determine whether their strategies are working and make the necessary correction to the plan.

The planning process is very important to the organization because it helps the organization develop ways to achieve its goals and objectives to ensure its success. The planning process helps the organization allocate its resources to the various tasks to ensure maximum utilization and less wastage (Bright and Anastasia, 1). Planning ensures that the organization performs at its highest level; proper allocation of duties and responsibilities to employees ensures that they know their tasks. It also involves the employees in the planning process to ensure that no conflict of interest can disrupt the organization's operations. The planning process is crucial in managing the organization's risks by helping the management plan for uncertainties in the business environment (Bright and Anastasia, 1). Organizations cannot predict the future, but they can envision situations that can occur and develop plans to help when the situation arises. Setting goals in the planning process gives the organization a sense of direction it can follow. Planning helps the management in their efforts to move the organization in the right direction. When the organization makes its plans, it can create a competitive advantage over the other market forms. The SWOT analysis the management conducts in the planning process provides the organization with information it uses to develop better means of taking advantage of the market opportunities.

Development Process

In the organization's strategic development process, leadership plays an important role in achieving its goals and its failure to meet its targets. The planning and execution of the organization's strategic development involve numerous actions that require proper guidance from those in positions of authority (Bright and Anastasia, 1). No single leadership style can be used in all the strategic development stages; a balance between the two styles is very important. The organization's leadership style must be flexible enough to allow employees to express their opinions, but the management has the final say in all decisions. Numerous interactions occur between the employee and its top management during strategic development (Bright and Anastasia, 1). Knowing how well to manage these interactions is essential to the success of the company. Because of the interaction complexity, both leadership styles are crucial in ensuring that the organization's strategic development process encounters no problems. When problems occur in resulting in conflict, they are resolved peacefully and efficiently.

Rigid/boss centered leadership style is important in strategic development in situations requiring top management to make the final decisions that have a greater impact on the organization (Bright and Anastasia, 1). For example, Decisions relating to issues like creating the organization's mission and vision require the management to have an absolute rule; hence, the best leadership the organization can use is boss centered. The allocation of resources tom the projects requires proper considerations; hence the management has to be the one with complete authority over the decision. Organic or subordinate centered leadership is crucial in the strategic development process in the organization. Employee input is very important in ensuring the organization achieves success in the project that it wants to implement (Bright and Anastasia, 1). Employees are the ones who are responsible for implementing the strategies the management has developed; hence they have the power to decide whether the project will succeed or fail (Bright and Anastasia, 1). For example, a more productive leadership style to use in decision-making in gathering information in implementing the strategy is employee-centered. Employees are the ones who have a bigger role in these two processes hence giving them the chance to direct activities with the supervision of the top management to enable the organization to have fewer conflicts.


In the organisation leadership functions and strategic management are two functions that are very crucial and relate with one another. The relationship that exists between strategic management and the organization leadership is in the way the two functions are depended on each other. Strategic management involves planning activities and actions in the organization and is where the resources available to the organization are pulled together (Jabbar and Ali, 97). A framework is developed in strategic management, which provides the organization with a plan to achieve its goals and objectives. The leadership in the organization guides other employees responsible for various activities. Leadership brings together all the organization's parties and gives each party the direction to follow in the strategic framework.

Because leadership and strategic management correlate with one another, this correlation can foster a culture of competitive advantage in the organization. An organization can develop a culture where the leadership supports the planning process by developing policies that encourage the organization to be competitive at all periods (Jabbar and Ali, 97). Leadership provides direction to other sections of the organization by using the tools developed in the strategic process to move the organization towards success. The strategic process framework helps leaders make decisions that will benefit the organization concerning different aspects, including how to be more competitive in the market (Jabbar and Ali, 104). An organization that has developed proper marketing strategies and has leaders who understand how to provide guidance becomes more competitive in the market. Strategic management provides leadership with a framework they can use to position the organization to give it a competitive advantage over its competition.

Works Cited

Bright, David S, and Anastasia H Cortes. Principles of Management. Houston, Texas: OpenStax, 2019. Print. Accessed on 30 September 2020.

Jabbar, Ali Abdulridha, and Ali Mohammed Hussein. "The role of leadership in strategic management." International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah 5.5 (2017): 99-106. Accessed on 30 September 2020.

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