Primary Care Coordinator: Facilitating Team Collaboration & Patient-Centric Care - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
Primary Care Coordinator: Facilitating Team Collaboration & Patient-Centric Care - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 690 words
6 min read


The primary care coordinator in any setting is the professional case manager. He or she understands the necessity to keep in the project, and also, he is aware of the patients-centric plan. The case manager of all other teams is the chief communicator. According to the Case Management Society of America Standard Facilitation and Collaboration, a professional manager must ease communication and manage the client's family, including interprofessional health team care teams and investors in achieving the target aims and maximizing positive client care consequences.

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The case manager must participate in the case management process to achieve case management results. The process is a series of steps similar to nursing steps and involves an interdisciplinary team and the caregiver. The active participants in the case management must include the patients his or her caregiver.

The client’s assessment in the case management is an extensive evaluation that takes in place the patient’s culture, health literacy, and linguistics. It also includes the patient’s behavioral needs and medical. Knowing the patient’s is a management standard that the case manager identifies the barriers, gaps, and needs in care. The patient and family, together with an interdisciplinary team, write a documented evidenced rule of planning. The plan is evaluated to determine whether the case manager meets the goals. In case the program is not working the case, the manager should adjust and reevaluate. The success of the case management plan is realized through short- and long-term aim achievements.

The case manager is always a certified case manager that perform the following task. He or she does not treat the patient but helps the patient receive the necessary care measured by the outcome metric. Using her or his knowledge about disease management, the case manager can support the patient to stabilize medical, cognitive health, and behavior.

KMS-knowledge management system

There is no room for error in the medical field. Medical malpractice should not arise as hospitals continue uniting their staff. High-frequency mistakes occur as staff leaves their understanding procedures and new best practice. (Li, Alqahtani, Solaiman,2019). An example of an error in the healthcare industry is when an employee in the office setting sleeps through an 8 am meeting, and he or she may be fired, but they will not be sued, and no one will be physically injured.

Most health professionals would not take risks as mistakes may not have serious outcomes, but errors will have tragedy. Healthcare knowledge management prefers all hospitals to have standardized procedures and offer training.

Collaborate with other medical professionals while protecting doctor/patient confidentiality

Health records can be easily searched and shared among the doctors and specialists because it is updated, kept, and shifted electronically. The system is not challenging as compared to old faxed from clinic to clinic. The digital evolution presents new fears to patients' secrecy, the patient to doctor /patient relationship, and privacy.

Medical professionals must collaborate and learn from their past and present cases without violating the relationship by allowing the care providers to file and share

signs or any other additional data using the knowledge management solution. (Choi,,2020) This way, the patient's privacy remains protected.

Every organization benefits from the knowledge management solution and search knowledge, secure procedures to increase collaboration. Despite, the digital evolution in the health field, healthcare knowledge management solution is not optional but imperative.


Li, Y., Alqahtani, A., Solaiman, E., Perera, C., Jayaraman, P. P., Buyya, R., ... & Ranjan, R. (2019). IoT-CANE: A unified knowledge management system for data-centric Internet of Things application systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 131, 161-172. managers, as part of the interprofessional team | Revenue Cycle Advisor

Revenuecycleadvisor.Com. Retrieved July 18, 2020, from,for%20your%20users%20or%20customers

Choi, H. J., Ahn, J. C., Jung, S. H., & Kim, J. H. (2020). Communities of practice and knowledge management systems: effects on knowledge management activities and innovation performance. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 18(1), 53-68.

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Primary Care Coordinator: Facilitating Team Collaboration & Patient-Centric Care - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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