Essay Exampe on Pros and Cons of Vaccination

Published: 2019-11-18
Essay Exampe on Pros and Cons of Vaccination
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Childhood
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1054 words
9 min read

Various common diseases affect children at an early age and even when they finally develop to adult level if the condition is not well-taken care off. The common diseases include polio, whooping cough, and measles among others. The body defend itself against the invasion of the disease-causing organism through immunity. There is a way that the body can be given immunity without the individual falling sick. That way is through vaccination. Vaccination contains the same antigens that cause diseases, but the antigens in the vaccines are weakened to the point that they are not able to cause disease (Rabinowitz, Latella, Stern, & Jost, 2016). The antigens are however very efficient and strong as they produce antibodies that lead to immunity. Vaccinations bring the difference between life and death; they are proven to reduce the risk of infectious diseases and protect future generation.

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All the newborn babies have immune to diseases since thy got it from their mother, however, the immune goes away during their first year of life, and it is advisable to consider vaccination for the sake of the babys life. Vaccines are essential for the existence of the baby. In the American Academy of Pediatrics, they claimed that vaccines save and protect life against the spread of diseases (Hendrix, Sturm, Zimet, & Meslin, 2016). A lot of people have got vaccines attitude and behaviors whereby they oppose their children in taking the necessary vaccines.

The fact remains that a community that is appropriately vaccinated against highly infectious diseases, it is a common good to the society with its members (Verweij & Dawson, 2011). The people who refuse to vaccinate themselves or their children out of some belief being known as the tragedy of the commons are the individual that behave in a manner that does not consider the common good.

The choice made by someone who refuses to take vaccination can affect others affecting them or infecting them one way or another. Families that do not allow vaccination by believing that they know the best thing for their children do not benefit their children but put them in harm way (Rabinowitz, Latella, Stern, & Jost, 2016). They give reasons like vaccines will harm and not help their children. Some parents act out of conspiratory theory whereby they cite non-medical objectives to justify their claim.

When a child is exposed to the disease germ, the child might not be able to withstand and fight the disease due to a weak immune. The report had indicated that before vaccination, there was high mortality rate to children under the age of 5 and vaccination assists children to live to adulthood (LeBaron, Lyons, Massoudi, & Stevenson, 2002). Most people fear the costly impact that comes as a result of doctors visit, hospitalizations, premature deaths and other complications. The parents should note that if their children fall sick out of lack of vaccination, they will lose their time from work and also peace.

It is commonly believed that the primary cause of the decline in the child ailment is vaccination. The proposition is true since vaccination maintains the health of a person from one stage to another. Most of the epidemics that were reported to have killed individuals in the past are coming to an end due to vaccination (Rabinowitz, Latella, Stern, & Jost, 2016). When a child receives the vaccination, they receive protection from the illness that they might encounter in their country.

The health risks are lowered once vaccinated, and the person will not have to be treated the same illness again. It is like taking a guarantee that the ailment will not return to bother that child again. Although it causes slight pain, they are cheap, and one cannot compare them with other bills from the hospitals. The cost one pays for vaccination is very minimal compared to the cost one would incur should the disease emerge when the person was not vaccinated.

Although the vaccination will protect 95% of the population against disease, there is still one percent that can contract the disease even after vaccinated (Verweij & Dawson, 2011). The false hope that the parents get by the promise of 100 % protection makes them fear to risk being the 5 %. Some people are vulnerable than others, and it is not possible to eradicate the world of all its diseases (Hendrix, Sturm, Zimet, & Meslin, 2016). Some adapt to change, and after they travel to other countries, they become vulnerable since different countries experience different diseases. Some people have got belief, and they lack information. Therefore, they tend to suggest that vaccination only creates new diseases causing harm.

Some people do not believe that they should be forced into taking necessary actions and they cannot contradict their morals and their beliefs. When they are required to take their children to vaccination, they feel that they are forced to do something that they believe is immoral. The act leaves an unrest to the society and people who are not content (LeBaron, Lyons, Massoudi, & Stevenson, 2002). The contents of vaccines are highly overlooked and questioned. Most of the parents are very keen to look at the ingredients and the baby food and drinks, and yet they forget to look at the content of the vaccines. Some vaccines can have side effects and cause other serious harmful complications that the baby did not have before.

On people or families opposing vaccination and the communication between how it happens. The concerns should be made more often and in contact so that new ways can be remade to come up with approaches that will provide information and awareness so that the conflict can suppress and people to make well-informed choices and not things based on hearsay and perception.


Hendrix, K., Sturm, L., Zimet, G., & Meslin, E. (2016). Ethics and Childhood Vaccination Policy in the United States. Am J Public Health, 106(2), 273-278.

LeBaron, C., Lyons, B., Massoudi, M., & Stevenson, J. (2002). Childhood Vaccination Providers in the United States. American Journal Of Public Health, 92(2), 266-270.

Rabinowitz, M., Latella, L., Stern, C., & Jost, J. (2016). Beliefs about Childhood Vaccination in the United States: Political Ideology, False Consensus, and the Illusion of Uniqueness. PLOS ONE, 11(7), e0158382.

Verweij, M. & Dawson, A. (2011). Children's Health, Public Health. Public Health Ethics, 4(2), 107-108.

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