Essay on Public Health and Disability: Addressing Challenges, Enhancing Lives

Published: 2023-10-13
Essay on Public Health and Disability: Addressing Challenges, Enhancing Lives
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 810 words
7 min read


The disabilities that are being addressed in the public health system have been a challenge. There is a new kind of disability in the public health sector. The public health is on the lead in ensuring that the public health system meets the health disability eradication. However, the life of people with disabilities in daily life is greatly being affected. The vulnerable are deficiencies in health care services. The settling and groups are affected by premature rates of death increase. The behaviors risk health in the engagement on the health, the age-related conditions, and the co-morbid conditions on the secondary conditions. With specification, I am going to scrutinize the understanding of the visual impairments’ disability.

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Definition and Classification of Disability

The visual impairments disability involves varying degrees of blindness and the loss of vision. Blindness and several impairments are patching to the vision of the other sight problems or the tunnel vision problem (American Public Health Association, 2018). It involves the reading challenge of printed text with spectacles and the lightning that is blurred. Furthermore, it consists of the challenge of moving around and tracing the ways around the aid of vision.

Causes of The Disability

The visual impairments are a great challenge making the human life of vision a challenge in the fulfillment of the vision of the eyesight (Grover, 2017). Usually, the affected part of the body is the eyes. The cause of the visual impairments is the injuries on the eyes in case of the accident. Due to the accident, it may cause permanent atrial vision impairments. The inheritance condition can also cause it because of the genes of vision impairments. Nonetheless, the infection that alters the normal healthy functioning of the eyes, causing eye vision impairments. Furthermore, the amblyopia is the agents of the vision impairments due to lack of early childhood life. The cataract also being the clouding part of the entire lenses of the eyes (Ravenscroft, 2019). Disabilities of the vision hence diabetic retinopathy being the small blood vessels in the retina when damaging the lead on the impairments vision.

Incidence and Prevalence of The Disability in The United States of America

Importance update with an estimation of prevalence and incidents of the visual impairments has been on the rise in the united states of America (Stevens, 2015). The developments in public health meet the future demand demands for low vision rehabilitation services and the objectives for the speculative feature. The data from the 6061 conducted survey of the participants, the majority ranging from 18 years to 45 years older. The estimate obtained the estimate of the prevalence rate of the age difference groups. The prevalence with annual incidents of low vision and the blindness within the citizens of the United States of America. The statistical information of 28.4% being younger than 18 years. 39.1% is 18 to 44 of age. 48% being the males, and 52% of the female participants being the vision challenge personnel.

Treatment and Rehabilitees Are Available for The Disability

After taking consideration and recording the type of vision impairments. The treatment of the visual impairments is several, and the following are the considerations (WHO, 2019). Taking control of the diabetes control with the prevention of diabetic retinopathy resulting in the visual impairments in the intensive case it can lead to little assistance. Cataract surgery with the visual impairment’s cases the artificial lenses help in the replacement of them and the clouded lenses. The magnification systems help the reading using the telescope and the surgical systems. The glaucoma medication of the eye drop.

Social Determination of Heart Barriers Faced by Individuals with a Disability

The inequalities in the social relation and the determinants of the specific health condition, the geographical region of living, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender-based issues have been engulfing the health issue with the vision impairments. In gender regard, women have higher prevalence with visual impairments and blindness. The socioeconomic status measures the higher income, higher educational status, and the inversely associated prevalence. Ethnicity with the race associating to the visual impairments under the blindness in the general confusion. The geographical inequalities with visual impairments were income-related consent.


American Public Health Association. (2018). Infographics. American Public Health Association — For science. For action. For health.

Grover, L. L. (2017). Making eye health a population imperative. Optometry and Vision Science, 94(4), 444-445.

Ravenscroft, J. (2019). The Routledge handbook of visual impairment: Social and cultural research. Routledge.

Stevens, K. (2015, December 18). How To: Canva Infographics. YouTube.

Visme. (2017, April 24). Design 101 for healthcare professionals | Visme. Free Infographic Software and Presentation Maker - Make Beautiful Presentations and Infographics Online | Visme.

WHO. (2019). World Health Organization. World Health Organization.

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Essay on Public Health and Disability: Addressing Challenges, Enhancing Lives. (2023, Oct 13). Retrieved from

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