Reasons Why Everyone in U.S. Should Have Universal Health Care. Free Essay.

Published: 2020-04-28
Reasons Why Everyone in U.S. Should Have Universal Health Care. Free Essay.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care United States Healthcare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1258 words
11 min read

Universal health care also known as the universal care, or universal health coverage, is a medical operation that provides financial protection and services to all populace of a country. Notably, the principal aim of this system is to provide financial risk protection, access to all medicinal services and improve health outcome to all individuals in the country. Today, most developed nations including the United States are operating under this policy in order to deliver healthcare even to individuals that are not covered by other insurance plans. Particularly, the number of United States citizens without coverage was highly increasing; hence, a good number of people could not get the needed health care services due to the inability to afford such services. Therefore, provision of universal health care was one a step that was to ensure all citizens get the required heath care services irrespective of their income that also results in several benefits such as improved wellbeing of all residents.

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Universal Health Care, therefore, is very necessary for everyone in U.S it has several benefits. One of the advantages of universal health care is that it covers every individual irrespective of their social status (Reeder and Robert 200). Particularly, the objective of the private insurance companies is to make money; hence, they will raise the rates of insurance coverage to a point that cannot be afforded by just an ordinary citizen. According to Reeder and Robert, access to medical services is a right of every individual irrespective of their social status; hence, it is unfair to keep the poor people away from quality services due to the fact that they cannot pay (201). However, when all people have the universal health care, they are not limited to health services due to their economic and social status.

Notably, another why all people should have universal is due to the fact that it reduces the incidences of death in U.S and increases life expectancy of the citizens. According to the study carried by Mesa-Lago, about 45 million Americans are not insured, and about 45000 American citizens lose their lives every year since they cannot get health care due to the cost of such services (231). However, with the introduction of the universal health care, all citizens have access to quality services that in turn reduces cases of death. On the same note, it increases the life expectancy of individuals. For example, American citizens currently have a lower life expectancy when compared to other industrialized countries who have implemented the universal health care. Specifically, America is ranked in position 23rd in infant mortality despite the fact it has the best healthcare providers. According to the recent study carried by Kwon, infant mortality has a correlation to the high cost of medical services (71). Therefore, universal coverage will directly reduces cases of death and increases the life expectancy of U.S citizens.

Another benefit of having a universal health care is that it brings competition to the private insurance company such that they start reducing their coverage rates. A study done in Germany and Canada by Porter reveals that most insurance companies reduced their coverage rates the moment universal health care was introduced in their system (1403). On the other hand, due to the fact that universal coverage has become a matter of politics in the United States, its implementation has not been successful; hence, most insurance companies have not adequately reduced their premium rates. All the same, the effects have been realized, and some companies have reduced their packages to attract some customers. Therefore, by reducing the premium rates, it makes affordable even to those who criticize this system to get covered at affordable prices. Thus, it is in this case that universal health care is beneficial to both opponents and proponents when everyone has it (Kwon 68).

Having universal coverage lowers cost of health, which are on an endless rise especially in the United States. According to Porter, since the year 2000 to 2004 the price of health services rose to 95% (1399). In that manner, the costs are projected to reach 4.1 trillion that is a double charge that was there in the year 2004. The delinquent with the continuous growth is that the number of U.S citizens that are able to meet coverage value is deteriorating; even if they are working. In fact, the number of working folks who are not able to afford insurance coverage is one in five. Therefore, by having universal coverage the price escalation that happens currently will reduce; even though, it may look more costly at the start. It is of great significant to reminisce that while it may seem too expensive, residents of the America are paying for the coverage to asylum whether it is through raised premiums, increasing the cost of living or increasing taxes.

Lastly, with the universal health coverage, it quite easy to have everyone under one system; hence the caregivers concentrate only on their patient and no other services such as checking details of the insurance companies. According to Mtei et al., cases of death have risen in most hospitals due to divided responsibilities of doctors (24). For, example some doctors have to confirm the insurance company where one belongs to before proceeding with the services. This resulted in work negligence and malpractices since the caregivers lack the concentration. It is in this note that universal health care comes to rescue the situation by putting all people under one system. Dolgoff and Donald note that comprehensive coverage makes the medical professionals work in the patient safety instead of looking at other procedures of the insurance (78).

Following the discussion herein, it suffices that having universal health care is of great importance and benefits both citizens and the government. Despite the allegation from the opposing individuals that it increases the wage bill in the United States, it suffices that the lives of individuals come first for any active state; hence, providing health services to every person is the greatest favor that a country can offer to its citizens. Therefore, one of the benefits of the universal health is that it covers for all citizens irrespective of their social status; that is, both poor and rich. Additionally, it reduces the death incidences and increases the life expectancy of the citizens. On the same note, universal health coverage creates competition to the existing private companies which compels them to lower their coverage rates. In this case, it even assists the opponents of this system. Lastly, professional health concentrates on healing of patients instead of following insurance procedures since all people are registered under one system.

Works Cited

Dolgoff, Ralph, And Donald Feldstein. Understanding Social Welfare: A Search for Social Justice. Pearson Higher Ed, 2012.Fuchs, Victor R., and Ezekiel J. Emanuel. "Health Care Reform: Why? What? When?." Health Affairs 24.6 (2005): 1399-1414.

Kwon, Soonman. "Thirty Years of National Health Insurance in South Korea: Lessons for Achieving Universal Health Care Coverage." Health Policy And Planning 24.1 (2009): 63-71.

Mckee, Martin, Et Al. "Universal Health Coverage: A Quest for All Countries but Under Threat in Some." Value in Health 16.1 (2013): S39-S45.

Mesa-Lago, Carmelo. Reassembling Social Security: A Survey of Pensions and Health Care Reforms in Latin America: A Survey Of Pensions And Health Care Reforms In Latin America. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Mtei, Gemini, Et Al. "Who Pays and Who Benefits From Health Care? An Assessment of Equity in Health Care Financing and Benefit Distribution in Tanzania." Health Policy And Planning 27.Suppl 1 (2012): I23-I34.

Porter, Michael E. "Value-Based Health Care Delivery." Annals of Surgery 248.4 (2008): 503-509.

Reeder, John C., And Robert F. Terry. Research For Universal Health Coverage. World Health Organization, 2013. Print

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