Suicide and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-02
Suicide and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Mental health Social issue Psychological disorder
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 770 words
7 min read


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) refers to the mental disorder that normally affects young children as they are undergoing their growth. There are several symptoms that can be drawn from ADHD. Some of the common symptoms that are usually associated with ADHD include; squirmy behaviors, high level of distractibility, and rare following of instructions. ADHD affects not only young children and adolescents, but it is also found among adults. Inadequate access to medical care by the individuals affected contributes to the transmission of ADHD from childhood to adulthood.

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Other Related Disorders

The research has found out that the individuals who have been affected with ADHD may be at a high risk of getting in contact with other related disorders, for instance, cognitive impairments and depression. There is also a close relationship that exists between ADHD and suicide. Through the studies that were conducted by several researchers, it is evident that ADHD has negatively impacted the individuals affected such that some may end up engaging in committing suicide.

ADHD is important to mental health nursing because it helps people to know the essence of getting access to medical care as early as possible. Therefore, this would help them to acquire treatment, thus ensuring their safety.

The signifies of studying ADHD among the individuals is to help safeguard life from through control of suicidal cases. Also, this topic is relevant among the people because it would help them to identify some of the symptoms that are usually related to ADHD and, thereafter, look for ways of coping with it.


There are several findings that can be drawn from this article. Control cohort is one of the findings that help the researchers were able to differentiate the individuals who have been diagnosed with ADHD and also the people who may have engaged in the act of suicide. The other study reveals the most appropriate way of controlling repeated suicide that is normally caused by ADHD is seeking early treatment. It was also noted that the use of methylphenidate among men as a way of treating ADHD might lead to the reduction of the occurrence of suicide.

I will use the information found in the article as a way of creating awareness among the people. As a result of alerting them, this would help them to be more concerned whenever they discovered that adolescents have shown up the symptoms related to ADHD, therefore, helping to reduce the cases of suicides among adolescents.

There are strengths and weaknesses that can be seen in this article. Some of the strengths of this article include; Ability to identify the symptoms of ADHD among adolescents and its ability to lay down the individuals who tend to commit suicide through tracing their history and those who rarely engage in suicidal practices. When it comes to weaknesses that are found in this article, the article has failed to address key areas such as an individual’s lifestyle, disease severity, environmental factors, and, most importantly, the issue of family history. The article has also failed to cope with challenges such as insurance-related with claims database, therefore, increasing the risk factor of suicidal among the adolescents (Huang et al. 2018)

I would not recommend this article to my colleagues due to its inability to come up with proper ways of reducing risk factors related to suicides among adolescents. Lack of clear access to personal details, for instance, family history is the other reason why I would not recommend this article to my colleagues.


In conclusion, ADHD is a disorder that negatively impacts individuals, as discussed in the paper. Among adolescents, ADHD may force them to engage in dangerous practices such as attempting suicides. Also, ADHD is usually a route for transmission of other disorders such as cognitive impairment. The findings that are found in the article concerning the prevention and the treatment of ADHD is considered important because it would help people to look for the appropriate medication. Strengths and weaknesses have also been drawn from the article. In terms of strengths, the article has clearly indicated some of the symptoms of ADHD and how it affects adolescents. The weaknesses that can be seen from this article is the unclear way of getting access to personal information.


Huang, K.-L., Wei, H.-T., Hsu, J.-W., Bai, Y.-M., Su, T.-P., Li, C.-T., Lin, W.-C., Tsai, S.-J., Chang, W.-H., Chen, T.-J., & Chen, M.-H. (2018). Risk of suicide attempts in adolescents and young adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A nationwide longitudinal study. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 212(4), 234–238.

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Suicide and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Free Paper Example. (2023, Nov 02). Retrieved from

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