The Role of Community Health Nursing and Community Partnerships - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-01-15
The Role of Community Health Nursing and Community Partnerships - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Public health
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 860 words
8 min read


We have already established that family as a unit impacts the behaviour and attitudes of its members (Wright & Leahey, 2019). Consequently, the community within which a family lives also influences that family in more ways than one. For instance, factors such as security and health of a family are dependent on their levels in the community. Community health nursing (CHN) through community partnership is pivotal in understanding the health status of a community. The services offered through CHN are impacted on by things like the trends in diseases, their incidence, and prevalence in the population.

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The Influence of Social Determinants of Health

The impact of social determinants on health is significant on both family and community levels. Determinants such as culture can either influence community health positively or adversely. Some cultures do not allow their upholders to seek medical attention and prefer traditional methods of healing over modern medicine. Others allow medical care but are reluctant on some procedures such as surgeries and autopsies. Reviewing a community's accessibility of resources and understanding its culture provides an objective view of its health status.

Comparison of Epidemiological Data

Epidemiological data is essential in the development and implementation of policies that, in turn, influence the management of population health (Nies & McEwen, 2015). By treating the community as the patient, data obtained from the epidemiological analysis can provide insights into the extent of deficiency in the current health care programs and offer solutions for improvement. The collective study of populations allows for an in-depth understanding of the scope of diseases. It is data from such analyses that are used at the state level to make informed decisions on how to deal with problems facing population health, especially in the control and prevention of diseases.

Community Nursing Diagnosis

Deficient distribution of resources. From the assessment of the family, they fail to receive medical care because of the distance they to travel to the doctor's office, not to mention their financial instability (Wright & Leahey, 2019). Additionally, their only means of transport is the bus. This unequal distribution of resources negatively influences community health.

Leading Health Indicator (LHI)

Access to Health Care

Access to health care is among the most basic of human necessities. The Downtown community, however, is deficient in health services. Health centres exist but are unevenly distributed such that people from some neighbourhoods have to travel over long distances using an unreliable system of transport to access those services. The family in this assessment, for instance, has not seen a doctor for the different conditions that the members suffer from (Wright & Leahey, 2019). The children have poorly managed asthma with one of them having developmental issues. Furthermore, the family can hardly afford to pay for the services.

Nursing Intervention

Increasing the number of nurses in the CHN program would go a long way to improving the community's health status (Nies & McEwen, 2015). By using the data obtained from the analysis of the risk factors, the population, and the locality of the community, the nurses can develop conditions that work towards the improvement of the population health specific to that community. Increased personnel provides for the availability of health services in parts of the community that were lacking. Tracking the progress of such interventions promotes the implementation of long-lasting solutions.

Aiding Partnerships

By working in conjunction with local health care providers, community health nurses are able to understand better the trends, the setbacks, and the possible solutions to the problems facing public health in that particular community. Through data collection, they can establish which interventions are working and which ones need adjustments.

A Community Health Plan for Sustained Change


This a plan for assessment of the community's health problems and the development of approaches to foster not only change but lasting change.


  • To provide a detailed evaluation of the problems facing the health care system in the Downtown community.
  • To promote the access of health services to the parts of the community that are lacking.
  • To ensure that the solutions provided for the established problems not only cater for the current situation but also in the future.

Planned Action

The primary course of action is to liaise with local practitioners and engaging the community in the evaluation of the challenges of the healthcare sector. This combination of efforts is aimed at promoting the acceptance and spread of health services.

Needed Resources

Essential requirements for this plan are; time, the community's documented medical history and trends not to mention the population.

Timeframe for Evaluation

This plan will be implemented within three months. This will be enough time to collect data, analyze, and give a final report.


Conclusively, community health is an instrumental aspect of the public that derives its significance from the influence of the different factors at play in a community. Additionally, improving access to health care not only accelerates the attainment of the healthy people 2020 objectives but also enhances the quality of life.


Nies, M., & McEwen, M. (2015) Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations. [University of Phoenix].

Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (2019). Nurses and families: A guide to family assessment and intervention. FA Davis.

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The Role of Community Health Nursing and Community Partnerships - Essay Sample. (2023, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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