Essay Sample on the Transformational Leadership Theory

Published: 2023-03-29
Essay Sample on the Transformational Leadership Theory
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Substance abuse Nursing care Nursing leadership
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1176 words
10 min read

The transformational leadership theory is one of the most important conceptual models developed by leadership expert James McGregor Burns in 1978 (Khan, Nawaz, & Khan, 2016). The expert defined transformational leadership as a comprehensive process in which leaders and their followers raise themselves to higher levels of motivation and morality. Nursing leaders using this theory work with their teams to identify the required change, develop a vision to guide the implementation of change and execute it alongside their group members (Kumar, Adhish, & Deoki, 2014). This paper provides a detailed review of the transformation leadership theory and describes its application in the nursing context of screening cigarette smoking while providing appropriate replacement therapy.

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Transformational leadership theory aims to enhance the morale, motivation, and job performance of employees in a typical organization through different strategies (Khan et al., 2016). First, transformation leaders connect the sense of identity of their followers and self not only to a project but also to the collective identity of the company. Secondly, such leaders serve as role models for their followers to inspire them and raise their interest in organizational activities (Suratno, Ariyanti, & Kusrini, 2018). Lastly, transformational leaders challenge followers to take ownership of their work alongside understanding the capabilities and weaknesses of their followers, which allows them to enhance their performance.

Concepts and Conceptual Definitions

Transformational leadership theory has different concepts. First, idealized influence describes a group of leaders who are exemplary role models for their followers (Lin, MacLennan, Hunt, & Cox, 2015). Such managers gain more respect and trust from their followers to make vital decisions for the organization. Secondly, the concept of inspirational motivation elaborates on managers who inspire their associates to the realization of the organizational vision (Renjith, George, & Renu, 2015). Such managers promote team spirit in an organization to reach various goals, including increased market growth and revenues. Thirdly, the concept of intellectual stimulation refers to leaders who encourage creativity and innovation by challenging the common beliefs or views of their teams. Such leaders tend to promote critical and creative thinking to improve their organization by addressing challenges Kumar et al., 2015). Lastly, individual consideration describes leaders who serve as coaches and advisors to their employees.

Theoretical Statements

There are various theoretical statements associated with the theory of transformational leadership (Renjith et al., 2015). First, transformational leaders must identify the strengths and weaknesses of their followers before developing an inspiring vision for the future of their organization. Secondly, such leaders must motivate everyone in the organization to buy and support their views. Thirdly, transformational leaders must manage and involve themselves in the delivery of their vision. Lastly, such leaders should reinforce their relationships with teams through trust and loyalty to achieve the desired goals.

Structure and Linkages

According to Xu (2017), the transactional model provides the best example of a conceptual framework that has a link with transformational leadership. Transactional leadership approaches focus on the effective use of rewards and punishment to achieve strict compliance from followers. On the contrary, the transformational leadership style creates a remarkable change in the life of people and their organizations. The model redesigns perceptions and values alongside changing the aspirations and expectations of employees (Khan et al., 2016). Transactional leaders, on the other hand, work by micromanaging teams to ensure that they meet organizational goals. Such leaders have a significant concern in organizational processes as opposed to developing new ideas and may avoid change to maintain the status quo (Kumar et al., 2014). However, transformational leaders focus on the transition to inspire followers and achieve goals.


Transformational leadership works on various assumptions. First, the theory views leaders as people with a position of high morals with the capacity to motivate others to a great extent, which, in turn, make their subordinates to follow (Lin et al., 2015). Secondly, it is always critical to work as a team for a mutual vision to achieve better outcomes and performance as opposed to working as individuals. Thirdly, people can only follow those who inspire them and that the best way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy into teams. Lastly, a person with a vision and passion can achieve great things (Suratno et al., 2018). Therefore, transformational leaders can only achieve their goals by motivating and inspiring their followers.

Nursing Implications

Boamah (2017) ascertained that the transformational leadership model has far-reaching implications in the field of nursing. Transformational leadership allows nurse leaders to execute change effectively and serves as a vital medium for developing a competent nursing workforce. The model can also be useful when applied in the context of screening cigarette smoking and the provision of replacement therapy (Xu, 2017). First, the nursing team must educate the target population by identifying the adverse effects associated with cigarette smoking and develop an appropriate vision to bring about the desired change. Secondly, nurses must motivate and inspire members of the target population to embrace the screening process and utilize the targeted therapy because of the associated benefits (Khan et al., 2016). Lastly, the affected smokers can adopt new changes if nurses reinforce their relationship with them by building a culture of continuous engagement, trust, and loyalty.


Transformation leadership theory remains one of the most vital conceptual frameworks used by contemporary health service managers to bring about positive health outcomes in various communities across the world. The theoretical framework serves as a critical management tool and strategy used by leaders and their followers to reach organizational goals, such as encouraging screening among smokers and ensuring that they utilize the available replacement therapies. Lastly, nurse leaders can use a transformational leadership model to inspire, motivate, and encourage their followers to work in well-organized teams to achieve the desired organizational changes.


Boamah, S. (2017). Linking nurses' clinical leadership to patient care quality: The role of transformational leadership and workplace empowerment. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 50(1), 9-19. Retrieved from

Khan, Z. A., Nawaz, A., & Khan, I. (2016). Leadership theories and styles: A literature review. Journal of Resources Development and Management, 16(1), 1-17. Retrieved from:

Kumar, S., Adhish, V. S. & Deoki, N. (2014). Making sense of theories of leadership for capacity building. Indian Journal of Community Medicine, 39(2), 82-86. Retrieved from:

Lin, P., MacLennan, S., Hunt, N., & Cox, T. (2015). The influences of nursing transformational leadership style on the quality of nurses' working lives in Taiwan: a cross-sectional quantitative study. BMC Nursing, 14(3), 33. Retrieved from:

Renjith, V., George, A., & Renu, G. (2015). Transformational leadership in nursing. International Journal of Scientific Research & Management Studies, 2(2), 112-118. Retrieved from

Suratno, K., Ariyanti, S., & Kusrini, K. S. (2018). The relationship between transformational leadership and quality of nursing work life in hospital. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(3), 1-7. Retrieved from

Xu, J. (2017). Leadership theory in clinical practice. Chinese Nursing Research, 4(4), 155, 157. Retrieved from

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