Essay Sample about Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy

Published: 2022-05-26
Essay Sample about Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 1928 words
17 min read

The stem cells are the basis and foundation for every single tissue and organ in the human body. Through different formations, the stem cells vary in types which is as a result of the different places in the body where they are made or formed. In most of the instances, the stem cell gains formation majorly at different times in the human life. The instances entail the embryonic stem cells whose only existence is during the first stages of the fetal development and for some of the tissue stem cells appearing during the early fetal development remain in the bodies throughout the entire life. For all the stem cells they can "self-renew" through making copies of themselves and also "differentiate" through the development into more specialized cells meant to deliver more functionalities in the body.

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Moreover, in most cases, there are stem cells derived from the cord blood and other stem cells derived from other parts of the human body. In the description of cord blood, it entails the formation blood relating to the components of the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord blood is blood that is left behind or remains in the placenta and in the attached umbilical cord after childbirth. It contains the hematopoietic stem cells that are essential in the composition of stem cell along with its human benefit. However, in this paper, it will focus on umbilical cord stem cells therapy. Within the descriptions, it will render research and argumentation relating to how the stem cells deriving from the cord blood provide more benefits and advantages that the stem cells deriving from other human parts such as the human bone marrow. The interventions acquire basis on the involvements of the stem cells as they vary widely in their benefits and circumstances under which they cannot or can provide certain benefits.


Before the interpretations relating to the differences between the stem cells derived from the umbilical cord and those derived from other parts of the body, it is imperative to understand how the stem cells work under given circumstances. The stem cells are a powerful human structure that plays a significant role. Through their function abilities, they have the ability to divide and renew themselves delivering the occurrence whereby the may provide major developments in the general body structure. Majorly, they are solely responsible for the advancements and developments of the fetal body organs, tissues, and the entire immune system. In the early development of the human fetus, the umbilical cord serves as a lifeline that nurtures life. Through the various functionalities, of the umbilical cord as it poses the oxygenated cells and the nutrients, it composes of healthy blood structures. Moreover, through the details of its composition of the stem cells, it delivers two major stem cells namely; cord blood stem cells and the cord tissue stem cells. The stems cells may help in nurturing life long after delivery. On the other hand, with consideration of the stem cells derived from other body parts, for example, the bone marrow the involve parts new blood cells acquire formation. In the bone marrow, it contains two kinds of stem cells namely; the hemopoietic and the stroma. The hemopoietic stem cells can produce blood cells while the stromal stem cells help in the production of bones, fats, and cartilage.

According to (Dah-Ching et al. 339-347), the umbilical cord is proving more benefits to the structure of the human setting and nature in relation to the stem cells and more specifically the mesenchymal stem cells. It delivers on the assumption relating to the human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (HUCMSCs) stating that they have better collection procedures different from the stem cells from other parts of the body. The differences in the derivation of the proportions provide segmentation relevant in the formation of the stem cells derived from the cord blood which comprises of other compartments. They include the cord lining and other perivascular tissues which help HUCMSCs in the provision of sources compared to the embryonic stem cells. Within more details of the review, it critically evaluates on the therapeutic challenges, directions, and value for their medical uses (Dah-Ching et al. 339-347).

In the composition of the stem cells derived from other parts of the body like the bone marrow, the stromal cell populations which are also a type of the stems cells in the bone marrow, play a major role in ensuring that the hematopoiesis is regulated in the best ways possible. Moreover, through the delivery of the present occurrences, the Hematopoietic stem cells reside in the niches on the bone marrow and is thought to provide the signals that help in HSC properties and help in self-renewal. According to (Anthony et al. 32-37), the functionalities help through different dynamics as outlined by the functionality of each cell. Through the overall operation of the body cells, they are useful in diverse ways. For instance, through current studies, the stem cells are playing a fundamental role in helping the operations in the medical setting. Also, they are providing more benefits to the people that are attaining realization with each passing day under the evolution. With the various events, the stem cells from the umbilical cord blood are delivering more advantages and benefit than the stem cells from other body parts (Anthony et al. 32-37).


Over four decades ago, the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have acquired the utilization in the bone marrow transplantation since it was the current setting and people believed in its functionality. However, during the recent ages, the first human transplant with the use of the umbilical cord blood stem cell acquired utilization. In the period, the cord blood stem cell would only treat a single disease. Recently, the cord blood stems are gaining the usage in treating over fifty diseases as the research gather and acquire more information relating to the treatment and the stem cells. According to (Chow et al. 139-168), there are major advances in the umbilical cord blood therapy that are majorly used in the stem cell transplantation along with other benefits. In the current researchers, the prove the point that the stem cells from the cord blood are more beneficial than the stem cells from other parts of the body whereby we see the realization of new occurrences. The stem cells located in the cord blood contain the ability to regenerate into other organ tissues and develop the immune system to (Chow et al. 139-168). On the other hand, the stem cells for instance from the bone marrow render different assumptions. The bone marrow stem cell deliver less befits since they are categorized according to their functionalities and face limitation to a given point in the long run as they relate to the formation of the cord tissues among others.

Moreover, the stem cells in the cord blood are gaining the utilization in treating various diseases. For example, they are being used in treating blood disorders, bone marrow syndromes, hemoglobinopathies, metabolic disorders, immunodeficiencies and also cancer. In consideration to the befits actualized by the stem cells from other parts of the human body, the changes delivered require viable transplantation. With a focus on the transplantation of the cells, bone marrow transplants require a match signifying the 6/6 HLA match while in relation to the cord blood transplant, there is a preferability of closely matched transplant matching a successful transplant of 3 to 6 matches. Since the cord blood may acquire storage on the cryogenically state, it is more available than the bone marrow and for patients with less common tissue types may receive cord blood if there are no suitable donors available which also provides a shorter time frame transplant to (Chow et al. 139-168). Additionally, it would take at approximately two weeks to find and transplant a cord blood unit since the could acquire storage in cord blood banks while as for the bone marrow donor it would approximately consume at least two and half months. The cord blood stem cells are treating other medical conditions including the autoimmune diseases to the children but are also proving significant to the treatment of adults entailing the chemotherapy treatment.


In counter-argument, some individuals may term the stem tell sells from the cord bloodless beneficial than the stem cells from other body parts because of various reason. These counter arguments develop in ways entailing the disadvantages of either side of the argument. For example, in the transplantation of the cord blood stem cells, there is the limited amount and level of blood contained within each umbilical cord. On the other hand, the stem cells in an adult are pre-specialized. Under this condition, it creates the occurrence whereby blood stem cells make only blood and other cells, for example, the brain stem cells will only play a major part in making the brain cells.

Also, in countering the notion of cord blood stem cells being better than other stem cells derived from other parts of the body, the cord blood renders another disadvantage. The cord blood entails cell developing through infants which in one way or the other may not be available for donation as compared to the bone marrow stem cells. In the bone marrow cells during transplants, the donor may make a donation of specified donations, for instance, donate the white blood cells. There are also chances that the cord blood transplant may transmit infections of genetic diseases to an individual that are rare and may fail to recognize first hand. The occurrence creates an imbalance since the stem cells from other cells are likely to transmit rare serious genetic diseases to other individuals in transplant. As a result, rendering significant to the counter-arguments. According to (Waller-Wise 54-60), the umbilical cord was thought as a waste product which under different lime lights points out to the happening. Individuals are seeking more information on whether to save or not their newborn's umbilical cord blood. Thus, through e intervention of the research, there are answers relating to the happening (Waller-Wise 54-60).

As per the concepts of the evolution, I would consider my ideology and views better with significant acknowledgment of the opposition. The cord blood stem cells are playing a major role and proving beneficial to the human nature in unbelievable ways and new interventions are occurring with each research and study conclusions. The other stem cells from other parts of the body are rendering different changes in the showcasing of both sides of the events. For the opposition, they are ascertained to their position as they try to treat a broader interaction between the benefits of the cord stem cells and stem cells from other parts of the human body. They believe that in the utilization of these cells they render different opinions especially to mothers in relation to the overall picture concerning stem cells (Nagamura-Inoue 195).


The stem cells derived from the cord blood are providing and maintaining major benefits through various aspects of the human body. In most of the cases, the cord blood stem cells are providing more medical benefits to both the infants and the older people through the provision of the current research as compared to stem cells from other parts of the body. Also, it provides for the transplantation of the cells to patients or other individuals within a similar setting. In the definition of the happenings, it is essential to understand the overall implications. Relating to the cord blood stems, the implications rely on it demerit and effects that may come across with its ability to do something or the inability to do it.

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Essay Sample about Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy. (2022, May 26). Retrieved from

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