Essay Sample on Why Mathematics Appeals to My Composed and Explicit Personality

Published: 2023-10-29
Essay Sample on Why Mathematics Appeals to My Composed and Explicit Personality
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Employment Science Mathematics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 621 words
6 min read


When tackling the question of why I like mathematics, I point my answer towards my composed and explicit personality. These aspects of my personality lead me to enjoy the challenging nature of mathematical questions and the straightforward answers that emanate from such questions. My obsession with positivity, creativity, and orderliness drives me to be optimistic, accept and explore new ideas, and draw solutions neatly and coherently. I have cultivated these character traits over a long time and believe that they affect pleasant results all around me. However, in search of progress, given the changing nature of today's job market as influenced by prevalent economic conditions, industry, and population, my desire to work in a profession utilizing my mathematical modeling skills more intensified. After an extensive job search, Postdoctoral Fellow - Mathematical Oncology job advert by City of Hope, Duarte, California pleased me most. The various job details, as advertised by the employer, will be discussed in the subsections below.

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About the Employer

City of Hope, a national leader in cancer research and treatment and a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, employs over 6,000 employees (City of Hope, 2020). The biomedical educational, treatment, and research institute's patient-centered philosophy and dedication to the treatment and prevention of life-threatening diseases is renown across the U.S. (ZipRecruiter, 2019).

Position Summary, Responsibilities, Education & Experience requirements

City of Hope research institute's opening needs talented Post Doctoral individual well-versed in Mathematical Oncology. It expects that the individual will work independently and employ all the insight derived from the Director of Mathematical Oncology mentorship. The individual should also be proficient in various mathematical analyses. The reason being, the role involves analysis like segmentation and multiparametric MRI activities. It also requires the employees to analyze image registrations and PET image quantification (ZipRecruiter, 2019). Therefore, the primary role of the position is to ensure that the individual improves the performance of the institute. Therefore, I have to ensure I can transform mathematical modeling, physics, and evolution-based research to suit the firm's clinical care operations.

I discover that being an outstanding believer in the power of statistical analysis in offering insight into clinical and research trials. I can perform effectively in the job role. Moreover, I possess more than five years' experience in machine learning and mathematical modeling. This inference posits that I can ensure that the institution improves its performance less than six months after my employment.

The job description shows that one has to possess experience in the preparation of managerial reports and to research various medical trials. The sought-after employee should also possess proficiency in undertaking MRI and image registrations (ZipRecruiter, 2019). The fact that I have high mastery in project report presentation and alteration to suit market changes improves my suitability for the position. I have been involved in the creation of clinical and research manuscripts to guide policymakers in their roles in organizational development. The activities have improved my mastery in patient-specific modeling and formulation of treatment and control experiments.

Other relevant information

My efforts to improve my machine learning and business intelligence skills will also be an added advantage. They enable me to develop novel mathematical models by applying clinical oncology collaborators. I can also formulate novel algorithms in the prediction of biological dynamics. Moreover, I can comfortably utilize data visualization to promote the presentation of complex ideas to the stakeholders. The application of advanced mathematical methods in complicated analysis endeavors ensures that the strategies I will initiate will be reliable and sustainable in the institute.


The city of Hope. (2020). Discover the City of Hope. The city of Hope.,advancing%20research%20and%20treatment%20protocols.

ZipRecruiter. (2019, October 22). Postdoctoral Fellow - Mathematical Oncology Job in Duarte, CA, at the City of Hope. ZipRecruiter; ZipRecruiter.,CA?jid=ac75d2b4bfafc717&lvk=MtzCqydpOshDrUojXzzyhA.--LfhWIeHYg

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Essay Sample on Why Mathematics Appeals to My Composed and Explicit Personality. (2023, Oct 29). Retrieved from

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