Process in Leadership Essay Example

Published: 2018-02-12
Process in Leadership Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 753 words
7 min read

What is leadership process

Moral obligations are the integral part of the peaceful coexistence amongst the humanity. Leaders are primarily presumed as the epitomes of the behavioral aspects exhibited by the society. The role model aspect of the leaders makes them the guide and a force to reckon in the community thus they ought to exhibit esteemed ethical and moral standards. Integrity, courtesy, honesty, vision and charisma are the inseparable characters the leaders needs to envision in their endeavors owing to their authoritative power bestowed to them by the community.

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Morality is a Godly instituted principle and every great leader has the inward drive to upholding the ethical decorum. Respect is an integral part in leadership role and in order to earn respect leaders ought to be respectful of others. A moral leader always esteems justice and ensures peaceful coexistence in his/her community. Helping others develop in their daily deliverables and also making uninclined judgement keeps the integrity of the leaders at a higher note thus earning him respect.

In conclusion, morality is very important in every dimension of leadership. As epitomes of morals, leaders ought to lead as examples so as their subjects can emulate them in all avenues of societal matters.

Basic leadership skills training

The world is changing with constant advancement in technology and developing international businesses. With this in mind, there is a need for additional leaders in various industries. Moreover, many people are looking forward to rising to higher positions in their professions. The unfortunate thing is that there are those who have no idea of what it takes to be followed by others. In fact, some lack the required skills of leadership, which include integrity, ethics, honesty, risk-taking, and focus among others. Fortunately, there has been a continuous increase in the number of institutions offering training on management, which has seen some people qualify to be great leaders. Essentially, leaders have a moral obligation in their duties to direct and coordinate their followers as they should set good examples that guide other individuals.

First of all, leaders have the moral duty of directing people towards positive changes in their different environments. In fact, it should be noted that they ought to remain focused on the ultimate goal of transformation of people’s lives for the betterment of the society. Their role should be directed towards making the livelihoods of their followers advanced than they found them. In other words, leaders have a moral obligation of ensuring that whenever they speak or engage in certain actions, their subordinates can look keenly and deduce positive aspects rather than negative notions.

Moreover, leaders should always strive to do the best and produce desired results. Essentially, this is a moral obligation which can be adopted in all institutions. Leaders should avoid anything that works only for their best interest, but focus on the entire organization where they manage. Biased managers have failed in many enterprises around the world, which is a clear indication that pursuing self-desires by leaders eventually leads to detrimental effects. Companies such as Enron have failed due to selfish gains by coordinators, which could have otherwise been avoided by proper management. In other words, leaders have a moral obligation to ensure that every action or decision that they make works for the betterment of their organizations.

Furthermore, leaders have and will continue to make mistakes, especially with the current changing times. Therefore, they have the moral obligation to sit back and reflect on their errors with the aim of making changes whenever possible to avoid further detrimental effects. Moreover, they have a role to call for gatherings and seek for forgiveness to avoid further confrontations with their followers. They should also be ready to embrace any points raised by their subordinates as they are an important part of an organization. Indeed, arrogant leaders have been condemned of injustice and causes of failure of many entities. Therefore, there is a need for leaders of good will to focus on their moral duties and avoid actions that will lead to questioning their ethical conduct.

To sum up, leaders have moral obligations to ensure that their followers conduct themselves in the best way possible. To do this, they ought to set the example as role models by acting right before them. They should apologize for any mistakes that can lead to negative effects on an organization and work together with their followers to make sure that such errors are not repeated.

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Process in Leadership Essay Example. (2018, Feb 12). Retrieved from

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