Essay Sample Describing the Decontamination in Rural Hospital

Published: 2020-02-18
Essay Sample Describing the Decontamination in Rural Hospital
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 974 words
9 min read

The layout and the design of the Central Processing Department should ensure that the decontamination process is done exclusively in a department of its own separated from the rest of the department. Being in a rural hospital with a rural set-up where the surrounding community is of farmers then environmental concerns should be adhered to for the sake of farmers. The design should also allow separation of the staff and their changing rooms as well as have sinks at all entry points in the department for proper sanitation.

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1. Floor plan.

Being a rural hospital, there will be no need for a very long storey building. With a two storey building, the Central Processing Department takes the first floor in the building. This is to make the department the central point of the building to make it easily accessible from any department and operating rooms in the building. The decontamination unit takes the central place in the floor with the equipment room, locker room and the cart room to the adjacent sides of the decontamination unit. This is to make it simple to get equipment and deliveries at the decontamination unit moving smoothly from one point to another. Next to the cart room is the cart wash and cart holder where the cart is kept clean and checked then properly stored at the cart holder waiting to be used again. In front of the decontamination unit should be the packing and preparation unit where items from decontamination unit are packed and prepared to be used appropriately. Adjacent to the preparation unit should be sterilization unit where already packed equipment are sterilized and next to it should be the office where the one in charge of the unit stay making sure all goes well. Lifts to the sides of the building.

2. Equipment.

Equipment in a rural hospital should be well taken care of at all time to save on the cost of frequently buying equipment. Therefore, an equipment storage unit is very essential in this design to ensure the safety of the equipment at hand. The Central Processing Department should thus have a unit to safeguard the equipment where they are cleaned, checked their conditions, reassembled and safely stored in the safes and shelves. Movable equipment are recommended to be used for easy transfer from one point to another as well as to save on the space in the department since they can be arranged easily by moving them around. Movable equipment that includes a variety of carts such as the L cart, crash carts, case cart, bulk supply carts, are good for storage of small equipment as well as bulk thereby saving space. Overhead extra-deep shelves to be put on the walls to hold small equipment for storage and safety is also recommended so that carts can be put underneath to maximize space. The staff should be provided with gloves, goggles, masks, aprons and shoe covers to ensure the equipment are well protected. Although electricity can be a challenge in rural hospital, sterilization equipment should be kept under low temperature to ensure no contamination that will require less monitoring and space.

3. Delivery systems.

Lifts should set up to enable easier movement of individuals and the equipment from one department to the other or between the Operating Rooms. Lifts save space and time of movement especially when there is an emergency in the hospital which requires immediate attention. Lifts can also take up heavy equipment at a given time thereby saving the hospital staff from get tired and fatigued from carrying the heavy equipment and utensils as they move around the hospital. Stares can also be very tiresome to the hospital staff thus reducing their effort at work because of being tired. Movable lockers and carts should also be introduced which provide space to the nurses and doctors as they deliver treatment to the patients that save a lot of time for the staff. These movable equipment make it easier to dispatch and deliver the items requested by whichever the department in need. The carts and the lockers ensure the safety of transported equipment and utensils from being contaminated while they are being delivered.

4. Communication systems.

Being in rural, network can be a big problem. Telephones save too much space as they are also easy to install from one department to another therefore connecting the phones and telephones and communicating easily. Landline network and the emergency call unit should be set up to receive the calls where emergencies arise and help required. Telephone booths should be placed on every department and every floor for any medical staff to communicate with fellow staff. Computers should also be fixed in most parts of the department to enables transfer of emails from one department the other as well as large documents that cant be supported by phones. Systems to detect fire should also be installed in the hospital that does not take much space but alerts those in the building by making a large sound whenever there is fire break out.

5. Instrument Tracking systems.

With the inventions and improvements in the computer technology, tracking of systems is made easier than ever before. Cameras should be installed in every floor and corridors to track the movement of every personnel in the hospital departments. The Central Processing Department should have a central station where all the cameras are monitored from to track all movements in the hospital. Computers are also more reliable in accuracy and keeping records of a given institution that thus saves much space as compared to big files being kept on the shelves. Computers are easily programmed to automatically scan codes for various items keeping the records safe and making it easier to track the item. Retrieving information is also made easier with computers than an individual going through many files in the shelves to get information.

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Essay Sample Describing the Decontamination in Rural Hospital. (2020, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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