Compare and Contrast Essay on Waterpik vs. Standard Dental Floss

Published: 2023-10-31
Compare and Contrast Essay on Waterpik vs. Standard Dental Floss
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Dentistry
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 622 words
6 min read

It is very important to practice interdental cleaning as it helps prevent some diseases like gingivitis. The early stages of gingivitis are characterized by bleeding gums and inflammation of gums. Though the gum is irritated at this stage, there is no much pocket depth as the teeth are still planted in their pockets firmly. An adult with early stages of gingivitis can use dental floss or Waterpik to treat the condition. The above can help remove plaque, which is the main reason one develops gingivitis. Due to bacteria accumulation, one's gum becomes inflamed, and also one may experience bleeding of the gum. In the past dental floss has been argued to be the best measure for patients with gingivitis. Waterpik, however, can also be used and may be as effective as dental floss.

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Waterpik has been known to be very effective in treating the disease as they help reduce plaque formation and reduce bacteria from pockets that are as deep as six millimeters. Waterpik also reduces probing pocket depth, calculus, and gingivitis bleeding, just like dental floss. According to research done, there is a minimal difference when both are used. Both of them are very efficient in taking care of teeth and gums for an adult with stage one gingivitis (Wilder & Bray, 2016).

Waterpik has been known to be very effective in treating gingivitis disease as they help reduce plaque formation and reduce bacteria from pockets that are as deep as six millimeters. Waterpik also reduces probing pocket depth, calculus, and gingivitis bleeding, just like dental floss. Waterpiks uses a pressurized stream of water, cleans away bacteria, plaque, and food particles between teeth and under the gum line. Therefore the use of Waterpik in an adult with stage one gingivitis is as effective as dental floss in treating bleeding gingivitis and reducing pocket depth.

According to a study done to determine the effectiveness of Waterpik in comparison to standardized dental floss, it was discovered that most of the people preferred using Waterpik, and also, there was a significant reduction in bleeding when Waterpik was used (Wilder & Bray, 2016). Most people prefer to use Waterpik since it is easier to use, and also one does not have to use it regularly compared to dental floss. Using a Waterpik can help reach areas that are hard to reach, for instance, areas where teeth are tightly spaced.

Waterpik can be paired with a manual toothbrush, which would yield the same results as using dental floss. Water pick helps eliminate food particles from teeth, which helps reduce the accumulation of plague. Waterpiks are gentle and safe to use, especially with bleeding gums (Rutkowski, 2016). Gingivitis patients, especially in the first stage, can use this method to eliminate the condition since it is just as effective as dental floss, especially in the early stages.

A person needs to practice periodontal care since it helps in the prevention of diseases such as gingivitis. The use of Waterpik is as effective as using dental floss for adult patients with stage one gingivitis. A patient with stage one gingivitis has inflamed gums, and since Waterpik is gentle and safe to use, it would be very helpful since they will not experience too much pain while using Waterpik. Waterpik can help eliminate food particles, plaque, and other bacteria in teeth, just like dental floss. Even though dental floss has been preferred over the years, Waterpik is just as effective as dental floss for adult patients with stage one gingivitis.


Rutkowski, J. L. (2016). The Truth About Flossing. Journal of Oral Implantology, 42(5), 385-385.

Wilder, R. S., & Bray, K. S. (2016). Improving periodontal outcomes: merging clinical and behavioral science. Periodontology 2000, 71(1), 65-81.

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Compare and Contrast Essay on Waterpik vs. Standard Dental Floss. (2023, Oct 31). Retrieved from

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